The ins and outs of running high traffic casino sites

Generating web traffic is only the beginning of your casino business. Once you get started, keep it up, and it snowballs over time. You will reach a level known as 'high traffic' at some point. This is the goal of every online casino brand because more visitors to any page means higher chances of sales. 

There are steps you need to take to reach that point. For starters, you need to learn what 'high traffic' means to know how to get there and when you've reached it. Among your website, the owner's duties are finding ways to increase traffic volume. Most revolves around managing content with links to your casino to optimise search engine visibility. 

What is website traffic?

It refers to the total statistic of the audience that visits your website. Any means that let them reach your casino count to the overall website traffic volume, including backlinks, typing the URL on the address bar, and opening a related app. 

Search engines like Google favour high traffic websites on general search queries. Thus, maintaining high traffic to your website guarantees relatively higher page visits. If your casino has backlinks or a directory on other popular pages, it can also generate a high click-through rate for you. 

What is a high-traffic website?

The direct definition of a 'high traffic website' is based on the number of clicks expected to get regularly. This includes search engine results, backlinks, directories, and paid advertisements so long as they all lead to any website page. 

High traffic websites have a high ranking on search results. That means all of the marketing strategies you invested in have paid off. However, there will be issues when most search traffic leads to just one webpage. This can cause instability in your online casino and likely lead to crashes or errors. 

Thanks to the advantages of search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies and technologies, it's easy to generate several clicks from backlinks and search engine queries. However, it's a bit harder to keep a reliable network if you somehow get a surge of visitors reaching beyond the peak performance your server is capable of. The importance of maintenance then becomes the forefront of your company's priorities to prevent crashes as much as possible without decreasing website traffic. 

It's better to start working on your website's reliability before you reach this point. This calls for a plan to determine what factors can improve scalability and consistent traffic. The goal is to bring quality content and functions to your website and visitors without compromising website stability. 


Benefits of a well-optimised website

Optimising your website to support traffic will be hard, but it has to be done. If you are doubtful of how necessary website optimisation is, then here's a list of benefits that it brings:

  1. Stable website performance. This lets users remain on the website for as long as possible without experiencing lag or errors when navigating. 
  2. Decreased bounce rate. This refers to the frequency of users visiting a web page but leaving without doing anything like visiting other parts of the website or signing up. 
  3. High conversion rate. This refers to visitors' likelihood of becoming customers. High conversion rates mean that you are generating sales from your traffic. 
  4. Better user experience. The quality of the website's user-friendliness speaks a lot about the value of your service. First impressions last, and it's sometimes all you need to make a good one. 
  5. High search result positioning. Optimising websites also involves managing SEO implementation, including keyword usage and internal linking. Doing so lets you score higher in search result rankings. Google also likes stable websites and will prioritise links to your casino if it works faster than your competitors. 
  6. Minimise website downtime. This refers to times when users can't visit your website. Occurrences once or twice a week can deter customers from your casino, making optimisation of utmost importance. 

How to increase website traffic

Increasing website traffic can be done by creating a powerful SEO strategy. Many options are available for you, but the best one is working with companies like QWERTYLABS. The guide below shows a general set-by-step process on how to reach high volume traffic:

  1. The first step in any SEO strategy is keyword research. Know your target audience and the current trend in your market to see what kinds of search queries they make. SEO tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs can help with this. 
  2. Look into paid advertising options on popular platforms. You can sponsor content on YouTube, Facebook, or various other websites with content related to your casino. It's the quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to promote your services to target audiences. 
  3. Invest in planners for your marketing approach. Finding and reaching your target audience is easy while getting their interest and engagement is where the challenge lies. The goal is to leave a good-enough impression to have them click on your website. 
  4. Make engaging web content that encourages navigating to your other pages. The first web page they visit could be your only chance to offer your products and services. Make use of strong promotional materials referring to your services.
  5. Establish brand identity for all visitors. It involves having a strong personality that matches your target audience. Your promotions, themes, and special events should be cohesive with your brand. This is an effective way for your website to gain customers, ensuring high traffic in the long run. 

The key to increasing website traffic is more about consistency than speed. Just follow these steps and repeat them to score high in search results and get as many clicks as possible. However, you need to make sure that the structure of your website or mobile app is strong enough to support the high traffic. Thus, you'd have to keep the maintenance or improvement of your website optimisation faster than the traffic you are generating.


What is considered a high-traffic website?

A website is considered 'high traffic' if its platform is built on a robust setup. The hardware, software, and network infrastructure must provide support for thousands of at least a hundred thousand unique visitors at a time. Scalability is an important attribute, too, because large traffic is bound to increase over time. Keeping up with demand without compromising website performance and reliability is vital for live services such as an online casinos. 

How to optimise high-traffic websites?

There are several ways to optimise high-traffic websites, which can be done with help from available tools built on Google's network. There is a database index built on search engines. It helps users get search results as quickly as possible through a cache system that curates what their queries yield based on websites they've visited thus far. There are also web analytics tools that help track your website's traffic and which keywords/content topics can help boost it.

Another means to optimise high traffic website is server management. This involves implementing a certain design to make your website easier to process for Google's algorithm and its users' computers. Ultimately, the goal is to increase system capacity to simultaneously support thousands of active users. Any future update should work towards realising that design and the following tools can help:

  1. File compression. The content's data size on a webpage directly affects how fast it loads. Thus, most web designers opt for limiting what they upload, but a file compression tool can simply decrease the size of the content. This is handy for best-viewed offline documents, like the casino terms and conditions and user agreement forms.
  2. Plugin. You don't have to code everything on a website. Some functions can be provided by plugins, software with specific functions or features that can be inserted into any platform like an online casino. It's called a 'plugin' because it works like a tool you can insert and remove at any time, making it easy to manage, replace, or update. You may also implement plugin support for users.
  3. Backup. This refers to making copies of your website's structure, from its coding to its format. Keep a copy of the latest version, one of the previous patches, and one of the last major updates. You may use the backup for testing experimental updates, but their true purpose is to be used as means to recover the website from damages. Several events that need the latter as a solution are hacking attacks, corruption from hardware failure, and coding bugs. 
  4. Proper image formatting. PNG images have higher fidelity than JPEG, but it's generally too much to process for a website. Thus, the latter is favourable for pictures, posters, and thumbnails. PNG is best used for simple images with no background, like your brand's logo or webpage icons. 
  5. SEO auditing tools. Tracking traffic can help identify technical issues like broken links, slow site speed, and responsiveness on different platforms. An SEO audit tool can not only track which ones are faulty but also provide solutions on how to replace or improve them. 
  6. Performance testing tools. Testing web pages will need you to measure multiple parameters, including but not limited to loading speed, playing multimedia materials, and link functions. Performance testing can find multiple errors at a time, so running it after every attempt to fix the issues is imperative.

What makes a good high traffic website

Once your website reaches high traffic, you must consider several factors. These are all about maintaining the capacity of servers to keep uptime and experience quality within bandwidth limitations accessible to all users. Always plan on what you upload and what kind of resource to use when optimising your online casino. Factor analysis is the key to managing high-traffic websites, and each of the following is an example of the best practice for website owners.

Efficient web hosting service

Websites need to be hosted on a server that handles all users and their actions. Most online services participate in shared web hosting, one of many platforms that uses the same hardware at all times. It's cheap, and they all benefit from the same regular updates. Most small-time online casinos can settle for this, but one with high traffic will need a dedicated hosting service. This way, your players won't experience any lag or downtime when thousands of users are active. 

Engaging and intuitive web design

There are elements to consider in web design, and it usually takes an expert to make it work. The tools available for average domain owners are meant for blogs and marketplaces, but an online casino is different. It needs to feature all the games in ways that are easy to navigate. There should also be room for casino promotions alongside the games.  


Solid content strategy 

Planning what kinds of content to add to your website, like blogs and news, is easy to start but difficult to execute. If you are building a website for a niche audience, then you should be or have someone passionate about what your target readers are looking for. 

A strong content strategy ensures you can generate enough content for a year. It's easy for sports during seasonal tournaments, but off-season can be a struggle to make content for. Casino players are interested in new game reviews but can also consume content for finance, like cryptocurrencies and stocks.

Optimal caching systems

There are many ways to manage cache, but it's recommended that you become particular about this for high-traffic websites. You can benefit greatly from database caching if your website is on a dedicated server. A content delivery network (CDN) is the best option for high-traffic websites because it scales with the frequency of access. Technology can change and affect the best option, so always consult an expert.

Security from DDoS attacks

The internet is filled with robots (bots) that enter websites to overload their traffic count. This can result in downtime or rejection of real customers from entering the website; this occurrence is called Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Several security measures effective for high-traffic websites include load balancing, CDN, and traffic filtering. It's also possible to combine different methods for added protection against a DDoS attack.

Regular usability testing

Keep a list of all qualities expected of a high-traffic website, like loading speed, stability, and search result ranking. See which ones need changing and work on them. Solutions can be as simple as retouching any error in the script or cleaning the cache to prevent overloading. More serious updates can be implemented if you find a more reliable solution. Usability testing should be conducted at least once weekly to ensure a smooth user experience. 


Optimising high-traffic websites is a tedious and complex task. It's better to entrust it with experts with resources and services like QWERTYLABS so you can focus on the logistics side of your business. You can also approach us for consultation before committing to a long-term partnership, so you know what you'll get in an arrangement. 

There will be a recommendation catered to what your business needs. The goal is to improve your website so you can generate more clicks and convert them into sales. Contact us now so we can help you bring traffic to your platform. 



The ins and outs of high-traffic websites are complex, and here are some frequently asked questions about the topic:

How to get high traffic to my website?

You need a strong strategy for SEO and content. SEO strategies help you find ways to get noticed by your target audience through traffic analysis. Content strategies help you keep making new blogs and offering more services for customers, and it needs to be aligned with your SEO strategy for efficacy. 

How to optimise my website?

There are various strategies you can use to optimise your website. One is to make loading easy by limiting the file size uploaded per web page. The second is to keep the format easy to read and navigate, encouraging the user to explore. The third is to implement a strong caching system fitting the traffic your website is getting. There are other ways, but these are the easiest ones. 

How can I ensure that my website has good uptime or can load fast?

The most straightforward way to see if it has good uptime is to choose the most reliable web host you can afford. Dedicate the whole server to the site if it's got high traffic and has many functions like an online casino.


A guide on how to write SEO content briefs

You need a search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy if you want your web content to rank on search engines like Google. In this guide, we're going to help you make your web content more search-engine friendly through SEO-optimised keyword content briefs. This way, your website can gain the exposure it deserves, leading to better web traffic and, hopefully, more sales. Let's get started!

What is a content brief?

A content brief is a documented set of instructions and requirements used in content for marketing. It's given to writers as a guide while writing specific types of write-ups, i.e. blogs, articles, case studies, etc. The requirements usually included in these briefs are:

Most importantly, this brief provides an idea of the goal of the overall content for the target audience. By having this initial documented reference before writing, writers can stay on the path and avoid rewrites.

Types of content briefs

Several types of content briefs exist for various types of write-ups. Here are the different types of content briefs and where they're used:

What is an SEO content brief?

From the name itself, an SEO article brief helps writers create blogs and articles that eventually rank well on search engines such as Google once posted on your website. These briefs are provided before the writing process, and everything the content must have to rank. This way, everyone involved in the blog will know what to include in the write-up.

You can also define this type the same as a normal content brief, with the difference being that SEO briefs are targeted towards answering a specific query. This makes sense, considering that Google uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interpret search queries and find the relevant results to provide to the user. For it to become optimised, a typical SEO article brief should contain details such as the following:

From there, the creator of the content brief should make a rough outline of what the eventual content would look like while these requirements are met.


Why create an SEO content brief?

Among the objectives of creating a search engine optimisation brief, ranking high on the search engine results page (SERP) is the most important. That's because achieving high rankings means that your website will have higher visibility, get the most clicks from users and thus, experience more web traffic.

This is because users looking for answers to their questions online tend to view the links on the first page as having topic authority. These pages are instantly regarded as reputable sources, and that's what SEO content briefs help you achieve.

You can think of this brief as your content plan, which contains the guidelines the writer/s must follow to achieve your blog's overall goal. Aside from that, it also contains the content format, making the structure easier for search engines to crawl.

An SEO content brief also includes the keywords that writers need to include in the blog. These keywords are generated through top SEO tools your business needs, such as Ahrefs, which detects your topic's relevant and related terms and phrases.

What are the benefits of using SEO content briefs?

Creating SEO content briefs before writing content for your website provides various advantages, such as impressive and consistent quality content. Learn more about this and other benefits in this section:

  1. Cheaper content production costs

Without a content brief, your writers may produce an underwhelming output that's not up to your standards. Eventually, you'd likely have to pay additional to have it fixed. Having content briefs remove this tedious back and forth because these serve as guides for the people responsible for the project. 

  1. Consistent quality content

One of the most critical factors online users look for in content is consistency. That's why you want your brand to have a single voice, tone and quality across your content as much as possible. To achieve this, you need to create content briefs. This way, the quality of your content won't depend on the writer, regardless of who will be assigned to complete a certain task since they will be following your brief.

By providing helpful content with topical relevance, you can start establishing your online presence as a site that people could rely on when searching for answers to their queries.

  1. Improve your content’s search rankings

An SEO content brief provides the relevant keywords your content should have. Once Google sees that your page contains these specific words and phrases, it will see it as a prospect and display it high on its results page.


How to write an SEO brief

To help your writer create the perfect blog that will garner the most clicks for your website, here's a step-by-step guide on how to write an SEO content brief:

  1. Nail down the topics you want to cover

The first step in creating an SEO content brief is nailing down a specific topic or search query that you want to write about. From there, you can list down the subtopics you want your writer to go through in the content. At first glance, it may not be much, but including these crucial points in your SEO content brief can grow your organic search traffic.

  1. Include and define your target market

Knowing and defining your content's target audience is vital as it helps you adjust your writing process to fit their needs. For instance, if your topic is about 'how to write SEO content briefs', your primary target audience may be industry beginners looking to learn this subject. Once you find out your target audience, you can begin creating a rough draft of what your content will look like when it's finished.

  1. Do some competitor analysis

One of the goals of content planning is to outrank other pages that solve the same query as you. That's where competitor analysis comes in. To define your competitors, you must search your keyword or query on Google and look at the top three displayed pages. 

Analyse them and make the necessary adjustments to your content to find out how you can beat their rankings on the results page. For example, if their answers don't directly address the user's question, you can make your page unique by providing a straightforward solution. 

For more thorough research, you can also use SEO tools like Ahrefs to find organic competitors. But to do this efficiently, you'll need the complete guide to competitor link analysis and follow it seamlessly.

  1. Use SEO tools for keyword research

One of the most important things you need to include in your content brief is the set of keywords (KWs) related to your topic. There are two types of keywords that you should include in your brief: short-tail and long-tail. The former pertains to the ones that consist of 1 to 3 words while the latter are those that are longer and more specific. You need short-tail keywords for your casino content because they're the general words or phrases online users search for. They cast a wide net online and attract many users. 

On the other hand, long-tail keywords matter for your casino since they delve into more specific inquiries only a niche target audience searches for. Using these in your web content increases your brand's topic authority and overall online relevance.

To determine these specific terms and phrases, you can use SEO tools such as Semrush, AlsoAsked, Keyword Surfer and more. Once you've identified all your keywords, you can list the semantic keywords, which are also terms and phrases related to your main KW. 

  1. Identify the search intent

The search intent pertains to why the target audience searches for their queries online in the first place. You can identify the search intent for your specific topic by typing it on Google and checking the SERP. By checking out the pages Google displays on its SERP, you can tell which types of content it tends to display. The 'People also ask' portion on the SERP also gives an insight into what users want to know about the topic. These include at least four related questions that can guide your content brief creation.

  1. Include entities

Over the past couple of years, the method of searching queries on the internet has changed into a much more conversational type. Back then, keywords were strictly used, but now, search engines like Google need to understand the context of the searcher's query. This is where entities come in. Unlike keywords which are specific words and phrases, entities are defined as expressions that search engines can understand.

Some examples of entities include:

You can think of these entities as puzzle pieces that search engines piece together to understand the searcher's intent. For instance, if the searcher types' the cheapest gaming laptops in Malaysia', here's how a search engine may understand it: 

SEO content brief template: What it looks like

SEO content briefs are essential as they serve as guides for your content. To help you create your content brief, we've provided a template you can use to base your documents on. 

Here is the basic information a content brief should have:

TopicThe main focus of the articleSuggested anglesPotential title
Word count500 words/1,500 words, 2,000 words, etc.
Competitor analysisLinks to the competitor’s pages
KeywordsPrimary KeywordSecondary Keywords
Target audienceWho are you writing this for?
Topics and subtopicsUse H2s and H3s
GoalWhat are you trying to achieve with the article?
Linking requirementsLinks to other articles that need to be interlinked in the content

This SEO brief template contains all the information you need to create these briefs so you can use them as references whenever you need to. 

SEO Content Brief Example

Here's a sample of a content brief that follows this template. Below is a snippet of a keyword research sheet showing all keywords ranked according to their search volume, difficulty and traffic potential. 

Below is a sample of an SEO brief outlining the content's body, including the word count, headings and entities:


What to include in your SEO content brief

To ensure best practice in creating content briefs, make sure to include the following essential details:

  1. Searcher’s intent

Since one of your main goals in posting articles online is to educate your readers, you need to consider your searcher's intent before writing anything. One great way to find the answer is by simply typing the search query on Google and seeing how the search engine interprets it. When people see that their query will be answered on your page, they'll read the entire content. Once you nail down the searcher's intent for their query, you can document it in your content brief so the writer will know the right way to approach the blog.

  1. Format

One of the most important things you need to improve on your content is its crawlability which pertains to how well search engines like Google analyse and read your page. If Google can quickly scan your page, it will rank it high on its results page. Thus, you should follow a nicely-formatted structure that correctly uses headings (H2s, H3s, etc.) to improve your page's crawlability. This way, your readers and search engines can skim your page easily.

  1. Topics to tackle

Of course, you must include the topics you want the writer to tackle throughout your content. These will make up most of the body of your content and should be useful in answering the searcher's queries. That's why these topics aren't random and should be formulated once you figure out your searcher's intent. This ensures that you won't veer away from what the searcher is trying to answer when they initially went to Google for their queries. As previously mentioned, you can arrange all the topics/subtopics you want your writer to go through using headers.

  1. Target audience

You have to establish early on for whom you're writing the content. Once again, intent plays a huge role in this point, as knowing your target audience makes it easier for you to define what they're searching for.

  1. Keywords

Keywords are specific words and phrases that should be included in the content to increase your page's visibility. As with the topics, these aren't random but are formulated through keyword research.

Keyword research is finding out which specific words and phrases are typed by users on the search bar when searching for answers to their queries. Once you've discovered these keywords, you can include them in your content brief so the writer/s will know what to insert into the blog seamlessly. Once Google sees that your content contains these specific words and phrases, it will display your page high on the results page. 

  1. Word count

Your content's word count or overall length matters since Google and other search engines tend to rank long-form content higher on their results page. Though Google confirmed that word count doesn't affect the ranking of a specific page, its algorithm has an easier time identifying what's written in your content if it's longer. It can be determined by many factors, namely your competitor's word count, the performance of your past posts, keyword research, etc. Consider these when making your content brief.

  1. Content

The content itself should be included in this brief. This will make up the entire blog which is why the writer should be briefed about what should and shouldn't be included in the write-up.

  1. Competitor

One way to get an idea of how to rank high on search engines is by looking at the potential competitors that are out to answer the same query as you. That's why we recommend including your competitors in your content brief for your writers to consider when writing.

To do this step, type your keyword or query on Google and check out the top three results it displays. Click on these pages and analyse their content, as they're the ones you need to beat. You can also go out of your way and research your competitors' content yourself. This way, you can directly add notes to the brief on what they do that you need to do better to rank higher on Google.

  1. Brand

To make all the content consistent within a single client, they must provide a content brief that tackle's the brand's identity. From its tone to its voice and more, all these should be documented in the brief so the writers can shift their writing style accordingly.

  1. Entities

As previously stated, entities should be included in the content brief because they help Google understand your content better.

  1. Links

A great way to improve your content's SEO is by interlinking. That's why it's essential to indicate in the content brief the number of links you want to be included in the blog.

  1. Score

Finally, you need to include a FLESCH score goal for your writers to ensure that the content's readability is good. The higher your FLESCH score is, the easier it will be to read for your readers.

  1. Call to action (CTA)

A great way to cap off your content is by adding a call to action, or CTA for short. These are usually inserted in the conclusion section, and their purpose is to urge your readers to take action related to your content.


What the SEO content creation process all boils down to

SEO content briefs optimise your content, so your page can rank well on Google and other search engines. By having these set requirements and recommendations before producing your content, the people involved in the project can stay on track and help achieve your brand's goal. Moreover, this will help lessen frustrating rewrites, and all you have to worry about will be slight tweaks that will improve your content.

That's what you can expect from us here at QWERTYlabs. Trust us to deliver the all-inclusive quality SEO aid you need, from efficient content creation to tested brand protection services. Feel free to contact us and get a quote anytime.

Frequently asked questions on SEO content briefs

Why are content briefs important for marketing?

Content briefs align your web content with users' queries. By using SEO tools and determining target keywords, search intent and other factors to create a content brief, you can ensure that your content has all the relevant information users are looking for. This can rank you higher on SERPs, increase your visibility and generate more clicks and conversions.

What to avoid when writing SEO-focused content briefs?

When writing SEO-focused content briefs, try to avoid the following:


Guide to succeed in casino affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a low-cost marketing strategy that promises a higher return on investment than others. The process is made possible by dedicated affiliates who take the time and effort to produce content that encourages their audience to access their casino partner. That is why many casinos use this strategy as leverage to improve their brand visibility and lead conversion. If you’re interested in maximising this strategy for your business, find out all you can learn about casino affiliate marketing with QWERTYlabs.

What is casino affiliate marketing and how does it work?

Casino affiliate marketing is the process of marketing an online casino through partnered marketers. This is a key way to drive bigger traffic to a casino platform through third-party entities with a substantial industry following. 

Types of affiliate commissions

Affiliate marketers typically earn through commissions. However, there are different ways they earn, depending on the conditions set on their contract. The different types of affiliate commissions are:

CPA or Cost-per-Acquisition

When it comes to Cost-per-Acquisition or CPA programs, affiliates earn depending on the sales produced through their affiliate link. When it comes to casino platforms, this typically means gaining revenue depending on the number of people who place an initial deposit to the affiliated casino.

Revenue Sharing

Unlike the CPA model, the rev sharing does not end after the client’s first deposit. With this commission, affiliates continuously receive a percentage of the money made through the clients you bring into the casino. This commission allows you to gain continuous income from leads you successfully convert into customers. However, one drawback this has for casino affiliates is the possibility of incurring losses when customers win more than they deposited.

Hybrid model

The hybrid commission model is a combination of both CPA and rev share. With this setup, you’ll get a fixed rate for every customer who pays through your affiliate link. Following that, you will earn a percentage from all the profit made from them as they continue to play on the site.

What does a casino affiliate do?

The affiliate link assigned to you is the main way the program keeps track of the leads you bring to the platform. As a casino affiliate, the main revenue source is encouraging your audience to click on the link. Usually, affiliates must create engaging content to introduce potential players to the partnered casino and encourage them to pay and play. Typically, these affiliate marketers already have an established audience and lend their platform to promote the casino site in exchange for revenue. 


Where can affiliate marketers promote a casino?

There are various mediums where affiliate marketers can promote their partnered casino, especially if they have a large presence on various platforms. Some of the most popular avenues you can take advantage of are:

Professional website

Many casino affiliates run their platform that produces niche-related content. This is a great medium to create content that deep dives into different casino topics. For example, you can interweave your affiliate link on content discussing some of the available games your partner casino offers. Additionally, producing casino game reviews fashioned in a way that encourages your readers to sign up for the platform using your link is also a good promotion.

Youtube videos

Youtube is one of the most popular sources of free entertainment online. If you have a large viewership, use this leverage to earn more money through affiliate marketing by encouraging your viewers to engage. Typically, most Youtube creators simply weave a promotion segment to promote their affiliate link to viewers. However, assuming you create content within the casino niche, it is much better to personalise your content for better lead conversion.

As a visual medium, this is a great way to provide your audience with first-hand experience navigating the partnered site. You can also produce content that you’re playing available games on the platform or review them. Also, show why the partnered casino is better than other online betting sites. 

Social media

When it comes to affiliate marketing, providing them with content that offers them value is one way to engage your audience. You’ll face this challenge when promoting through your social media platform. However, this does not make the medium any less effective. For example, Instagram is a great platform for better brand awareness and higher audience engagement. If you have a strong relationship with your followers, maximise that by encouraging your audience to check out your affiliate link, even with direct promotion.

Benefits of becoming an affiliate marketer

Affiliate marketing functions on a give-and-take basis, wherein you can earn revenue in exchange for promoting a business to your audience. As an online personality or business, affiliate marketing with casinos is a great way to take advantage of your platform. Not convinced? Read the list of benefits you’ll reap as a casino affiliate:

  1. Low-cost income source

The great thing about becoming an affiliate marketer is that it doesn’t require much. The main thing you need to join an affiliate program is to have a decent amount of following. 

Once you’re an approved affiliate, you only need to generate content. The only difference is that you must produce promotional content to engage your audience with the affiliate link you provide. As such, the process will not require you to have a professional advertising team to help you. All you need is your skill and great industry knowledge, and use it to your advantage.

  1. Provides you with flexibility

Another great thing about affiliate marketing is that it pays based on lead conversion, allowing you to put in as much or little effort as possible. By extension, you can determine how much you spend promoting your partnered casino.

  1. Targeted traffic

As an affiliate marketer, you can select whichever affiliate programs you join. For a higher chance of succeeding in this type of venture, you’ll want to choose an affiliate program within your niche. This way, your existing audience is already interested in what you are promoting. For example, if you’re a casino game review site, it means your audience is already interested in the industry.


A step-by-step guide to becoming an affiliate

Are you ready to become an affiliate? Here’s a quick guide to help you earn revenue as a casino affiliate:

  1. Choose a niche

Typically, the process of becoming an affiliate begins with selecting your niche. This can be in industries such as health and fitness, finance, technology or others. In the context of the article, let’s assume you have decided to be an affiliate marketer in the casino industry. This means your platform focuses on producing industry-related content. Focus on this niche so you’ll have a better chance of enticing your audience to interact with your promotional effort. 

  1. Find trustworthy affiliate programs

As an affiliate, finding a trustworthy casino platform partner is important. Affiliate marketing works so well because you’re promoting to people who know your credibility. Collaborating with a platform that doesn’t satisfy your audience can compromise their trust in you.

  1. Comply with requirements

While the iGaming industry has become popular in recent years, its legality and regulation still largely vary depending on the location. For this reason, pay attention to the regulation in the region you’re marketing to avoid violations.

  1. Produce content to promote your affiliate link

Once you’re aware of the regulations you must comply with, focus on producing high-quality content to promote your casino partner properly. This is best done by creating niche-related and well-written content to avoid losing your audience.

  1. Track your affiliate earnings

Keeping track of your earnings as an affiliate is important to ensure you’re getting paid properly. Additionally, this is also a good way to gauge how effective your promotional efforts have been. Your earnings provide a good insight into your lead conversion rate. If you find it lower than you anticipated, then this signals maybe you need to improve your marketing efforts for better results.

Tips to be an effective affiliate marketer

Just like any type of content marketing, becoming an effective affiliate marketer takes time and effort. To help guide you to the right path, we’ve listed the top 5 tips you can use:

  1. Create captivating content

The best way to promote an affiliated platform is by providing captivating content. You can employ the best content marketing strategies for casino brands. Among the best strategies include the following:

  1. Take advantage of SEO strategies

SEO is one of the most effective ways to reach your target readers. That’s why you must ensure you’re employing the appropriate SEO strategies, such as backlinking, keyword research and more, for optimal results. In addition, be sure to avoid the ten common mistakes writers make when it comes to SEO. This includes neglecting proper research, keyword stuffing, and the lack of interlinking. 

  1. Identify engaging topics for content

The best way to promote your partner casino is by crafting content promoting highlights and the best features they provide. You can achieve this by paying attention to the games available on the platform, the promotions and bonuses they offer new users and more. To provide your audience with value, tweak these types of content to show them the benefits they’ll enjoy by signing up on the platform using your affiliate link.

  1. Pay attention to gambling regulations

As the online casino industry grows worldwide, the regulations will continue to change to adapt to public demand. It’s important to pay attention to the latest news to avoid making mistakes that result in regulatory consequences. 

  1. Create effective CTAs

Including a call to action or CTA at the end of your content is a vital part of creating content that has a high lead conversion rate. This is because it directs your audience on what to do next. To ensure that your CTA is effective, be sure to make use of the following tips: 

Boost your affiliate program with QWERTYLABS

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to earn revenue in exchange for promoting a business. However, only those who put in the effort can maximise their possible income without risking their credibility. With an in-depth knowledge of how affiliate marketing works, another way to earn revenue is by building a network through an affiliate site. Through this, you’ll function as the bridge that connects affiliate marketers to casino platforms.

Are you interested in building your affiliate network? QWERTYlabs can help create your affiliate sites for you. Contact us now and learn more about our offered services, including SEO-centric content creation, to level up your online presence.


Why you need short-tail keywords for online casino content

Making niche content is how you can engage with your established audience but expanding it is also important. To do so, you need to widen the scope of your content by using commonly used statements or talking about popular topics. Using short-tail keywords is the best way to do that. You can mention certain topics so long as they are relevant to your main subject or use them in a variety of ways to expand on your point.

Many content creators already use short-tail keywords in blogs, articles, and social media posts. However, it is best used in practice with a thorough understanding of the subject. If you want to learn how to use short-tail keywords effectively, this guide from QWERTYLABS is for you.

What is a short-tail keyword?

To better understand what short-tailed keywords are, it's important to learn etymology. A standard search engine optimisation (SEO) practice is to group keywords by search volume and conversion rate. 

Search volume refers to the number of times people have searched for certain words or phrases. Conversion rate is the frequency users clicked on a link provided as a result of their search query. 

The graph above shows that many keywords are searched (y-axis), but some don't generate a large number in conversion. Keywords on the left are called 'short-tail' because their queries are high but have low demand, resulting in minimal conversion. The opposite is the long tail which refers to more specific query phrases. Their specificity results in low search volumes, but they have high conversion rates. 

Short-tail keywords are search queries that can be described as 'broad' or 'generic' because they lack focus. Hence, they yield many search results, and the user only looks for one specific type of content. 

Importance of short-tail keywords 

Any online business prefers high conversion rates because it's the statistic that generates traffic. However, short-tail keywords are vital to any content marketing strategy. They are the foundation of any topic, and using them can rank your content higher on topical queries. Here's a run-down of the importance of short-tail keywords both for generic uses and for casinos specifically:

Short-tail keywords' importance in general

Using short-tail keywords lets you join the large list of results from as many queries as possible. It is used as the starting point of research, perfect for attracting users who are still finding their way around the topic. If your content has a strong-enough topical background, it's bound to get clicked by anyone going down the rabbit hole. 

Short-tail keywords' importance for online casino platforms

The online casino industry is already a niche topic with short-tail keywords rooting from 'casino', 'crypto game', and 'casino bonus'. Potential customers are more likely to use short phrases or single words when looking for a new game or service they'd like to try, and that's the market you need to grab. 

Millions of gamblers will simply type 'casino', and your goal is to have links leading to your webpage appear on the first page of the search results. Besides having links leading to your online casino, you can also establish backlinks on content that can score high as well. Putting ads on blogs featuring casino games or explaining online gambling topics is a great way to benefit from other people's use of short-tail keywords. 


Examples of short-tail keywords

Short-tail keywords with QWERTYLABS can generate strong traffic. The secret lies in how the words and phrases are applied in every content, which Google can recognise and score accordingly. Tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs can help show how well a content will score in a search and the criteria include how they would look in a given content. Here are a few examples of how QWERTYLABS use short-tail keywords for casino content:

Online casino content in general

Short-tail keywords for casino-related topics can start with a word as simple as 'casino'. Search results can be popular gambling sites in the user's region and the most-featured bonuses among related pages. Here are three more short-tail keywords but with more specific scopes that your target audience tends to use:

Online casino

People searching for 'online casinos' are typically looking for new gambling platforms to try. It can be further specified what kind of gambling service they are looking for. A few more examples would be 'browser casino' and 'mobile casino app'. They can also be looking for gambling sites that accept a specific currency. Thus, they would use keywords like 'crypto casino' for cryptocurrency traders or add Tether (USDT) or Bitcoin (BTC) to narrow their options. Consider using these if your online casino can satisfy any of them. 

Casino Bonuses

Search results for 'casino bonus' will typically showcase available offers at various gambling sites. You can attract certain users by showcasing what kind of promotions you offer. This is why different kinds of deals are put into categories such as the following:

Users can also add what type of currency they prefer. Most users will find suggestions of the types of bonuses they are looking for in their local currencies. Some bonuses can be exclusive to the United States dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), and cryptocurrencies like BTC and USDT, which will yield fewer results unless included in the query. 

Online sports/esports betting 

Searches for short-tail keywords for online casinos will typically stay within casino games. Thus, people who plan on betting for competitive sports or esports will need to use different queries. This includes 'sports betting', 'sportsbook', or 'online bookmaker'. 

Many users will search for the name of the sport, video game, or league followed by the word 'betting' to be more specific. Such queries are still counted as short-tail keywords. They become too specific if the search includes the bookmaker's name and the teams/players in a match. 

Specific casino games

Online casinos have thousands of games available, all of which can fall into a handful of categories. The traditional list revolves around titles inspired by brick-and-mortar gambling houses. Here are some examples of short-tail keywords for specific categories:


Gamblers can also refer to slots as 'online slots' or 'online slot games'. This is the category for games with reels operated by random number generators (RNG). Titles under this can also be grouped into what game mechanics they have in common. Many of them are named like the following:

Most gamblers don't search for these specific keywords and would usually settle for 'slots'. However, they are great foundations for casino content exploring different online game mechanics for new gamblers. QWERTYLABS has created a lot of content revolving around each one of these and you can use them as backlinks for your games, too. 


Table games

Table games are the second major category of online casino games next to slots but the number of titles in it usually only reaches up to a hundred. What it lacks in quantity it makes up for in the strength of the identity of its varieties. They are more often searched in their specific sub-categories like the following:

Adding the word 'online' is often essential to differentiate it from its brick-and-mortar counterparts. Your casino can offer other niche table games, like backgammon and dominoes, which you can also use to attract potential customers. Likewise, users can also be broader and simply type short-tail keywords like 'card games' or 'dice games'. 

Sports and esports betting

Betting on competitive games is often considered separate gambling from casino games, but most gaming websites offer both services nowadays. Many of these have partnered with QWERTYLABS to find their respective target audiences. The popular short-tail keywords on this topic often include leagues, clubs, and athlete names. 

Most bookmakers also identify sports and esports betting, but both are on the same platform. Thus, much casino-related content about 'sports betting' also applies to esports.

Games and leagues

The importance of short-tail keywords in sports betting revolves around separating different sports or games from each other. Football fans, for example, need to use 'football betting' or 'soccer betting' to find pages and bonuses dedicated to them. The same is true for video game fans who have to type the title of the game they want to bet on. 

Typing the league name like 'English Premier League' can be specific, but it's still considered a short-tail keyword because it's still a broad query. It yields results covering various aspects like the latest updates, current standings, best websites for betting, and fan discussions of the topic. However, adding 'sports betting' with it will make it a long-tail keyword because it shows results specifically leading to sportsbooks. The same happens when you add the year of the league. 

Clubs and teams

Looking up clubs or teams is much more sensitive in search queries because any additional description will count as a long-tail keyword. For example, looking up 'Arsenal' in football or 'Evil Geniuses' in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) count as short-tail. Adding their respective leagues or the year will count as a long-tail keyword. Keep the short-tail keywords as much as possible when making content that is not specific to any season or news. 

Athlete and player names

Queries about athlete or player names fall into the same situation as searches for clubs and teams. A name like 'Lionel Messi' is considered a short-tail keyword because searches can yield news, statistics, and biographical information about the person. Any word to add to this like their team name or any year number will make it a long-tail keyword yielding results of his performance.


Ways to apply short-tail keywords 

The examples of short-tail keywords are vast, but their applications are easy. QWERTYLABS is known for masterfully using search queries in simple yet effective ways. Google prefers content where keywords are used a lot but not too much. Just keep their use concise and organic because SEO scores can decrease when used in excess. Here are three places where you should put short-tail keywords for the best score on search engines:

Page headlines and talking points

The page headline can be your content's title or the meta title of the link leading to it. Use the main keyword once to show what the page is about. It can be a form of a statement encompassing the content, usually for advertising casino bonuses. Likewise, it can also be a question that the content aims to answer, which can take the user to your casino's frequently asked questions (FAQs) page. 

If the page contains an article or blog, you may apply short-tail keywords to its talking points or subtitles. Each heading can explore different topics related to the keyword in question. It's a great idea to attract various users to one page. Google also likes highlighting a sentence or two that answers specific queries containing the keyword. 

Page meta description

The meta description is the short one or two-sentence description by the link leading to your page in Google search results. Just add one short-tailed keyword to establish further what the page is about to attract users into clicking on it. Short-tail keywords are great in this part of the content because it is only up to 150 characters long. Simply mention the topic, then add a call to action, encouraging the reader to check the rest of the content. 

Body of most talking points

The body is where readers expect to see answers to their queries, and you have to add short-tail keywords on several areas to keep them focused on the topic. It is complex in practice because using too little can confuse, while too much can make it prone to misuse.

The best way to keep keyword use in a proper amount is to practise moderation. Never fluff for the sake of adding it into sentences that are part of a paragraph where it's already mentioned. Also, for clarity, use them in proper contexts, such as when explaining what they mean or when comparing them to another topic. 

What to avoid when using short-tail keywords

Just as there is a proper way to use short-tail keywords, there are also many mistakes that a writer can make. QWERTYLABS has a long history in content creation and is wary of these pitfalls, and it takes years of specialisation in SEO to avoid them efficiently. Here are crucial mistakes to avoid in using short-tail keywords:

Neglecting the relevancy of the talking point

Content creators with no knowledge of SEO will think that rambling about any topic related to the keyword will suffice, but this can do more harm than good. Google can scan and score content based on what kind of answer it is trying to provide or how well a reader can jump from one topic to another. It's an easy mistake to make because a short-tail keyword is broad. The best way to keep content revolving around a single topic is to focus on answering one question at a time. 

Not focusing on the user's query

The point of using short-tail keywords is to attract search engine users to your blog, but you have the duty to provide what it is they are looking for. Don't add it in content focused on a different topic. This mistake can happen when the writer mentions a keyword in passing despite most of the paragraph being dedicated to a different one. 

Keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the excessive use of the same short-tail keyword within the content. It's better to mention it once as a noun and then refer to it in succeeding sentences in pronouns. Keywords can be used again at the beginning of every paragraph but keep each one into three to four sentences long. 

Level up your casino content with QWERTYLABS!

Making casino-related content using short-tail keywords is easy if you have a strong network of backlinks to back up every page. QWERTYLABS can help you build it from the ground up with help from a high-calibre team of content creators. We offer every SEO and content creation service you need to reach your target audiences. Contact us now to work together to establish your casino platform as a leading brand in the industry. 


Video embeds 101: How to embed videos on your casino

Digital marketing has become one of the best ways for brands to reach their target audience, and it comes in different forms, including video. Video content marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract potential customers to your site. 

As an online casino operator, your goal is to reach your target audience and increase user engagement for potential revenue. You can achieve this by embedding videos on your site. Since it increases clicks, engagement, and more, it has become popular among marketing strategists.

If you want to start embedding videos on your online casino, you are in luck! With so much information on how to embed a video, we at QWERTYLABS have curated it all here.

Without further ado, here is a comprehensive video embeds 101 guide on embedding videos in a casino. Check it out below:

Step 1: Choose a video hosting site

When embedding videos in your casino, it is important to choose a video hosting site first. Videos often come in huge files that may slow down your site if you upload them. 

By utilising a video hosting site, you are leaving that process to someone with the resources for it. This is a crucial step when learning how to embed video. Thankfully, there are tons of choices on the internet.

Qualities to look for in video hosting site

There is no best or worst video hosting site. All it comes down to is striking the right balance between price and appropriate features. To help you choose the best one, we've outlined the main features you need to take into account:

Search Engine Optimisation 

You need to be strategic when choosing the right video hosting platform. Pick one that is popular and stable. By doing this, you choose a reliable host site that will also help boost your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking. 

How does this work? Hosting your video on an external site produces backlinks, a popular element of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). These ease the process of getting video-rich snippets on your site. As a result, it helps your casino rank higher.

Great services

Another vital factor is that the video hosting site provides service. What does this mean? You need to look for one that not only has good speed but has quality service.

At this point in the digital age, grainy footage and low-budget animations will simply not cut it. Make sure the site supports HD or more. A great hosting site automatically switches to Ultra HD if possible. Otherwise, 1080p can still do the trick if you are on a budget.

Besides this, it is also crucial that you test their services before you go all in. Does it have great support and customer service? If you notice some bugs and an occasional site crash, it may be best to reconsider other options. On the other hand, are they responsive to your queries? 

Well-coded and developed video player

Finally, the priority should be a well-coded player. What does this mean? Video players should be responsive and well-designed to provide your target audience with the best viewing experience.

This should apply to any device, whether desktop or mobile. The player should be able to adjust on whatever screen it is on. Choosing a video player as such will help you avoid potentially deformed and distorted page layouts that could dismay a viewer.


Step 2: Generating the embed code

Now that you have chosen a video hosting site and have uploaded your content to their database, it is time to move on to embedding video on casinos with QWERTYLABS. The next step is to generate the embed code, which is crucial before adding your videos to your casino.

Below, you will find a quick rundown of how to generate these codes from popular hosting services:


YouTube is, without a doubt, the most popular hosting site on the internet. It has become an avenue for several brands to market their services on the site. 

When generating the embed code with YouTube, you simply have to navigate yourself to the site's Share button, which will then reveal the 'Embed' option. From there, all you have to do is copy this code and paste it into your site. With YouTube, there are a few things you can customise. This includes the player controls and video starting point. 

You can add many other parameters to the iframe embed if you want to customise it further. Specifications you can add for your videos are chapters or time stamps. This will allow your viewers to skim through the video easily.


Before you can embed with Vimeo, you must find the site's share icon. This is found on the right-hand side of the video. Your embed code will be displayed in one of the frames in the window you see.

You can alter how your video is shown when using this embed code by selecting +Show Options. Like YouTube, you can customise many things when embedding them in your casino. Just make sure to tone it down, as it can cause lag to the site, which you would not want.

If you want to take it up a notch, you can get some extra benefits by upgrading to Pro, Business, or Premium. This will allow you to alter colours and components and add end screens and logos.


Twitter is a prominent social networking site that many brands have used to promote their services and goods. It is also one of the most accessible sites that allow brands to connect with their target audience. As a huge platform, it is easy for consumers to find what they are looking for on it. Many use it to display their video advertisements.

It is important to remember that there is no option to display a single video with Twitter's embed. This means that the entire tweet with the caption will be displayed on the site if you embed it with Twitter. If you are fine with this, you can embed Twitter videos in your casino here.

If you upload your videos on Twitter, you can embed them by opening the desktop version of the application. Choose 'Embed Tweet' from the drop-down menu next to the 'Follow' button. Once done, you can then copy and paste the embed code. 



Tiktok is a popular social media platform that uses short-form videos. It has become a popular site for advertisements and marketing schemes that have helped many brands reach their audience.

If you want to embed a video from Tiktok, you can get the embed code from the 'Get Embed Code' on the right side of the video. It is best to be reminded that Tiktok videos are quite limited in customisation. You are limited to a 340×700 player with autoplay. 


Facebook has the biggest reach in the social media space, with over 2.934 billion monthly active users. This, in turn, made it the go-to site for advertisers to place their ads. 

Similar to those mentioned above, it is easy to embed with Facebook. This is because the embed feature supports each video on Facebook. Simply select 'Embed' by clicking on the ellipsis (...) in the Facebook post's upper right corner.

The text from the corresponding Facebook post will be added along with the video if you select the 'Include full post' option by checking the box. 


Since Facebook owns Instagram, the embedding process is fairly similar on different interfaces. For Instagram, click the ellipsis (...) on the top right of the site when it's open on a desktop. From there, copy the embed code by clicking 'Embed.' Once more, you can decide whether to embed the caption or not. 

Step 3: Embedding the video on your casino

HTML is one of the most popular programming languages for creating and developing websites. With this said, we will be going over how you can embed your videos with HTML here:

Embedding with HTML

The best part of embedding with HTML is that it's easy. By following the steps below, you will soon be able to have videos on your site:

  1. Enter edit mode

Enter edit mode for the page, post, or other areas of your website where the video will be embedded. Place your cursor where you want the video to appear. This will help give precise information to the HTML program.

  1. Copy the embed code

From there, copy the embed code from your preferred video hosting site. Follow the steps above to embed videos from some of the most popular sites.

  1. Paste the embed code

After that, you just need to paste the code into the HTML area you located earlier. From there, you can now save or publish your work. You can also indicate the timestamp where you want the video to start.


What is the difference between embedding and uploading

Uploading videos directly to your online casino is another option, but it is not recommended. Learning the difference between the two can help highlight the edge embedding has over uploading. With that, here are the main differences between the two:

You save bandwidth

Your videos won't load on your website; instead, they will be loaded by your preferred hosting site. Doing this can significantly reduce traffic, particularly from automatic bots loading your videos. 

Videos will load faster

Your website's page load time may be impacted when you upload a video because it may take a long time to load. As a result, your website visitors may encounter slow video loading, unexpected pauses, and a general refusal to play. Video embedding won't impact the user experience as long as you keep your site's speed balanced. 

A video playing on your website will greatly impact how long visitors stay there, and the video itself might even appear on Google's first page, which will drive traffic and all the rest. 

You save disk space

Videos of almost any size can be uploaded without any limitations. Thanks to this, you can add as many videos as you like because the provider will not limit how much space they can occupy. 

While offering 'unlimited' disc space, hosting sites always impose some sort of restriction. You can limit the use of your hosting space to website files and emails by embedding your videos.


Limitations on file size lead to restrictions on video quality when it comes to uploading to a website. Storage on a third-party website ensures that you will stay within your 'inode limit', the data structure that stores the information about the file on your hosting account if you want to display your high-quality videos on your site.

As a result, you won't need to consider converting your video files into various versions and formats so that your visitors can view them in high definition or low definition.

What are the benefits of embedding videos for your casino?

Embedding videos on your casino brings many benefits that will impact your site's performance on the SERP. These include:

Increased website engagement

Over the last few years, viewers have been watching and interacting with videos more than ever due to video content's popularity as a marketing tool. The time users spend interacting with your content on your website can almost double if you add video content. 

To better capture your audience's attention, producing video content that will advertise your services and goods is ideal. This way, you are helping your audience set their expectations of what your casino offers through visuals and encouraging them to play.

Helps your consumers digest content

Users will be interested in and appreciate any content that can save them a little time. Your website's visitors will have the opportunity to absorb the content visually if you have videos there. Large pages of text can be condensed into videos to help you communicate your message clearly and engage potential customers who might not have had the time to read a lot of text. 

SEO Benefits

You can rank on Google and YouTube by embedding videos on your website. If you can apply your SEO practices to your YouTube videos, you will have a better chance of ranking in Google for your keywords. One of the best-known search engines in the world is YouTube, which is a great platform for optimising your content. 

It can be a very useful tool to make the most of the ability to host your video content there and then embed it within your website. It can increase the number of people who view your content and share your information with potential customers.

Embed your videos with QWERTYLABS

We hope you learned a lot with this helpful guide on embedding videos with QWERTYLABS. Aside from using video content in your platform, many factors are needed to appeal to your target audience. QWERTYLABS offers the best casino marketing services, including content creation, website development, and search engine optimisation. Contact us, and we will help you be the leading brand in the iGaming industry.


Successful strategies to increase casino website traffic

Online casinos give their players winning opportunities that can make their online betting experience more worthwhile. It is also more accessible and offers hundreds to thousands of games than in land casinos. 

However, the competition in the online gambling industry is serious, with thousands of online betting sites promising users that they are the best. You should exert effort to make your brand impressive enough to be visited by more players. Fortunately, there are companies like QWERTYLABS that exert their best efforts to help boost your online casino brand and its performance. 

If you want to generate more site traffic for your brand, follow these tips on increasing casino traffic with QWERTYLABS and see the differences it can make!

Work well on your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is one of the best strategies to increase casino website traffic. It is more focused on driving your site to the first page results of search engines such as Google and Bing. Upon achieving that, you can be more visible to people who search for online casinos.

This is an important factor to focus on since most people don't go to the second and third pages of the result page to look for options. Working on your SEO means that you have to go through a tedious process of research and can increase your chances of being the top result on your preferred search engine's algorithm. 

Set a budget for paid ads 

If potential bettors are still not visiting your site instantly, you must find a way to bring yourself into their radar. You can do this by paying for ad placements which gives you the potential to attract the right audience. Given that these campaigns are highly targeted towards your preferred demographics, you'll get a great chance for your ads to be clicked by someone. 

Social media ads are great, but if you're looking for where to upload them best, here are some suggestions: 

With the help of the Facebook Dynamic Ads system, you can reach those who have searched for similar products or services. Its algorithm might bring you to people most likely to click on your site and sign up. 

Spending at least $1 on Facebook ads can gather around 37k impressions from people outside your initial reach. Meanwhile, having a bigger budget of $5 a day can translate to a more profitable campaign. The reason behind such is that when computing it, it will be around consistent ads worth $150 and $155 a month.

Another way is by using an Instagram Business account. You can do it by converting your personal account to a business one so it will be easier for you to connect with audiences. With an Instagram Business account, you can easily see who and the number of impressions your post garnered. This way, you can easily identify what kind of post you should do more often to generate traffic. 

On average, Instagram ads cost between $0.70 and $1 per click. However, the costs may depend on several factors, such as the business industry, the ad placements, and its location. Unlike other sites, which may have more standardised rates, their rates may be higher for more competitive businesses and, more specifically-tailored demographics. 

Despite being quite more expensive than other types of ads, you will find this worth it as it can place your ads on two of the largest search engines: Google and YouTube. 

Google ads may be considered one of the most expensive ads out there, but the prices seem reasonable enough as it translates to great site traffic. On average, some companies spend around $9000 to $30,000 per month for this. By spending that money, they can generate a cost-per-click rate of $1 to $2 from Google search alone. It costs such because it automatically brings you to the top of the results page. 


Create blogs with evergreen topics 

While focusing on new and trending topics can give your site a boost in potential, they aren't worth much of your time and effort since they are not made to help you on a long-term basis. Rather, they can bring you an advantage while they are still the talk of the town. 

It is best to create topics centred on the content users will like. To make evergreen content means that you should produce articles that will remain relevant over time. 

Update your existing posts 

Even though you should be working on evergreen content, ensure that all that's written is factual and relevant. It is best to revisit your old content and see how to improve it. This is also one way of ensuring that your site is filled with valuable information and updated facts. That way, anyone who can stumble upon your posts will still find them relatable and relevant. 

Pour extensive research on keywords 

To make your SEO strategies more effective, find the best keywords that you can include in your blogs. By knowing short and long-tail keywords people have been searching for, you will know what to include in your content. This way, your blogs will be at the top results whenever they search for it. 

Working on this can be quite challenging. However, with consistency and dedication, you will eventually see how doing this pays off for your brand. 

Get backlinks 

A backlink is a link from another website to yours. Backlinks from related companies or influential people in your field will increase your site's visibility and drive targeted traffic.

Google recognises backlinks and will place more trust in your online casino site if it discovers that other reputable sites are linking to yours. Higher ranks result from Google's increased trust, which increases visitors. With great backlinks, you can gain free visibility on Google.

Improve your content marketing style 

Producing blogs can significantly improve your online casino performance as it can testify to your site's popularity. It can be about your brand's reputation, games, or tips to ace games. Aside from such techniques, you can also venture into the other aspects of digital marketing. 

Among those you can try making are catchy videos or podcasts about your niche. You can also focus on making infographics, as most people nowadays are fond of looking at such and getting several pieces of information from one post. With that, innovate your marketing style and see which approach works best for your brand. 

Work with guest blogs 

Aside from producing remarkable blogs for your site, take some time to write some for other blogs. This is also a great way to step up your marketing, as guest blogging works in such a way that you write for other blog sites. 

In return, these sites will allow you to link to your site and enhance brand awareness. It also provides you with referral traffic to get you noticed by their regular blog readers. 


Be active on social media 

One of the most widely used and cost-effective marketing strategies is social media which helps increase casino website traffic. You can do this by making the most out of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your blogs and site. Posting shareable material may convert your social media followers into website visitors. 

What's great about social media is that you won't have to exert so much effort on making your posts long. Rather, you can keep them concise since most social media users are looking for something they can easily understand. 

Use hashtags 

It can be easier to expand your network and be reached by potential players when you include hashtags in articles when promoting your pages and blogs. The more people that click on your links, the more free traffic your website receives.

Start email marketing 

Regular newsletter distribution and email offer promotion are wonderful ways to stay in contact with your customers and have them visit your site for traffic. When you do this, ensure to provide details relevant to what they may be interested to know. This can come in the form of blogs, including tips to play or some new promotions you have. To get noticed, make sure to create emails with catchy subjects. 

Just be careful not to barrage your readers with emails constantly. They might stop reading those and prefer to delete the messages and unsubscribe from you. 

Engage in online conversations 

Being active in online forums pertinent to your business and community is free and can help increase casino site traffic. Participate in discussions about your niche, leave comments on blogs and social media posts, and respond to queries that people submit. This will give your site more exposure when you reach out to them. 

Aside from being a way to promote your site, doing this technique will give you an idea about what players like. In return, you can use such to see what areas of improvement you can work on.


Ways on how you can prove that your site is worthy of great traffic

Aside from working on successful ways to increase casino site traffic, ensure that your site is worthy of being noticed by potential users. Here are some tips you can follow to make your site as promising as it can be: 

Maintain a neat interface

The first thing people notice about a site is how it looks. Though it may not matter much, seeing a cluttered site automatically turns off the interest of potential players, even if you have high-quality games. 

Work on your site's colour palette and organisation so it won't be eye-straining. By doing so, players can quickly appreciate your site and be eager to explore more. 

Work with several game providers 

A wide game roster is one of the most notable characteristics of online casinos. There will likely be more people who will come to play on your site. Work with several reputable game developers that will supply you with cutting-edge slots and live dealer games to ensure a superb gaming experience. 

Introduce several new titles from time to time

Playing can be a little bit overwhelming when there isn't something to look forward to. If you can, try introducing new titles that your players can enjoy. By doing this, you can prevent them from switching to another site. 

Have a responsive customer service 

Often, players have special concerns which need to be answered. To keep them satisfied with your site's services, be responsive when they send you messages via email. If you can, you may also want live chat support on your site to address their concerns immediately. 

Make honest bonus offers 

Bonuses are other impressive perks that come with online casinos. If you have some, ensure their inclusions are true to what they claim to have. That way, players will know that you are reliable. This might be an impressive aspect that can prompt them to leave you good reviews. 

By keeping these pointers in mind, you can apply them and see if they can do wonders on how your site performs. You may also check out our SEO-focused blogs so you'll know how to increase casino site traffic with QWERTYLABS. What are you waiting for? Contact us now and see which impressive SEO services can help your online casino brand grow! 


Long-tail keywords: Why it matters for your online casino

Long-tail keywords are a type of SEO keyword structured as a long phrase or a question. They're typically the questions users make at the last stage of their buyer's journey, making them a useful tool to improve your casino site's lead conversion rates. However, how can you use it to improve your platform's online performance and boost your conversion rates? QWERTYLABS is here to help you achieve this by helping you learn all you need to know about long-tail keywords.

What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords, as the name suggests, are keywords that come in phrases used for queries. They're often used to find answers to specific questions when looking for in-depth information. When talking about search engine results, these keywords generally get less traffic but higher conversion rates. This is because most people use long-tail keywords at the last steps of purchasing a product or service.

Importance of long-tail keywords

Maximising long-tail keywords means understanding their benefits compared to short-tail ones. To give you a further idea, we've listed the top benefits of long-tail keywords below.

  1. Long-tail keywords have less competition

Long-tail keywords typically have lower ranking competition since the phrases tend to be more niche-specific, unlike short-tail keywords, which can be used for general searches. For example, say you're a new casino brand looking to improve your SEO and want to know what casino backlinks are; the simplest way to find out is by inputting 'casino backlinks' on search engines and reading the top answers.

While most searches typically end there, people interested in the topic will likely conduct further research. If you want to leverage casino backlinks to improve your site's online performance, a possible search would be 'where to buy casino backlinks?'. As a casino site, it's your responsibility to take advantage of such opportunities to drive bigger traffic back to your website. That's why you need to intersperse short-tail and long-tail keywords since it leads to better chances of high traffic and conversion.

  1. Long-tail keywords can be used for more content

Long-tail keywords often come in the form of questions and phrases that encourage a reply. This is a prime opportunity to create keyword-centred content since they'll have better reach. Additionally, using long-tailed keywords in headers such as H2 or H3 goes a long way in content optimisation since it appears as snippets on sites like Google. Typically, this benefits from optimised headers and answers within 50 to 60 characters. 

By keeping this in mind, you can use long-tail keywords in your content to ensure it comes up as a featured snippet. Optimising your content with this type of keywords signals to search engine algorithms that you're a credible site, leading to higher traffic.

  1. Targeted traffic

When it comes to SEO, one of your biggest goals is to increase your site traffic or people who visit your site. More than that, however, you want these site visitors to be interested in what you're promoting. 

Using long-tail keywords is useful in helping your casino site reach the audience targeted for your offered services. For example, a short-tail structured search would be 'casino slots', 'online casino', or live dealer'.However, by using long-tail keywords such as 'how to play online casino slots', 'what is the best online casino', or 'best live dealer games to play', you can structure your content in a way that segues your content into promotion.

Using the 'how to play online casino slots' keyword as an example, the best way to take advantage of this search is by providing your answer as accurately as possible. Additionally, this also adds more in-depth information relating to different components of slot games, different types you can play, and more. While providing this information, interlink the available resources within your platform for further reading or to encourage your audience to engage. 

  1. Helps you rank for short-tail keywords

Optimising your content for search engines requires using as many keywords as possible to lessen the risk of over-stuffing your article. When choosing, be sure to choose high-ranking keywords and support them with related long-tail ones. Although content with short-tail keywords is challenging to rank in search engines, using long-tail can help in the process.

  1. They’re optimised for voice search 

According to reports from Google, 27% of the global population uses voice search on mobile devices. Calculating that percentage amounts to roughly a billion or two of the total human population. With that in mind, taking advantage of the opportunities to improve your site's performance is important. Thankfully, using long-tail keywords helps since most voice searches are structured similarly. That means that by using long-tail keywords, you're already taking the step in voice search optimisation, which ranks in mobile voice search.

How to research long-tail keywords

Most keyword research tools are designed to provide users with short-tail keywords. This makes it difficult for some to find long-tail ones they can use for their content. As difficult as it may feel, finding the right keywords is pretty easy. Learn more about it below.

  1. Google search engine

The most straightforward way to find long-tail keywords is through Google's search engine. Usually, you'll encounter their autocomplete function, which shows the most common searches related to the topic you're searching for. For example, when you type in a query starting with 'best casino slots', the top results you'll find include:

As you can see, you can create good content using these top autocomplete results. By creating content related to these queries, you can target the most asked questions on Google concerning the topic. 

  1. Google’s related searches

Another good way to find long-tail keywords on Google is by perusing the 'people also ask' section. You'll typically find this after the top-ranking result, which has more or less similar questions that people commonly search for. For example, continuing the query from the previous point, we'll use the 'best casino slots' query again. When you enter this into Google's search engine, the two questions you'll find in the people also ask section are:

  1. Online forums

Online forums are another great resource for finding long-tail keywords. Websites like Reddit or Quora are platforms people go to when they have queries. As a content provider, you can use and maximise these platforms to find useful topics to cover and possible long-tail keywords to use. 

If you search the keyword' live dealer' on Quora's search engine, some of the top queries you'll find are:

Answering diverse queries allows you to dedicate different articles to answer each of them and provide readers with specific answers. To find additional related questions, click on the particular question you found to discover related questions listed at the bottom of the page.


How to properly use long-tail keywords and maximise them

Finding long-tail keywords is not enough; it is crucial to learn how to incorporate them properly into your content. To give you a better understanding to maximise this, we've listed the best ways to add long-tail keywords in your content below:

  1. Place them strategically

One of the most common mistakes to avoid in casino content writing is keyword stuffing since this is easily detectable by search engine algorithms. If you're caught doing this in Google, you'll be penalised, and your site ranking can decrease or get de-indexed. 

Remember, when using keywords, place them strategically within your content and space them to prevent cramming. It's also important to make sure they work well in the section you put them in so the readers won't be confused. Additionally, you can use them as anchor texts, also known as clickable texts, to link to other content on your platform. Not only is this a good way to use long-tail keywords, but it also provides the added benefit of redirecting traffic to more content on your website.

  1. Place them as H2 and H3 titles

In relation to the previous points, one good strategy when adding keywords to your content is to use them in your H2 or H3 tags. This works well with long-tail keywords since they're typically structured as phrases or questions. For example, when you're writing a beginner's guide to online slots, some of the headers you might use include the following:

By using these as headers, you're ensuring that the structure of your content flows smoothly while also maximising the opportunity to rank in these different long-tail keywords.

  1. Aim to be a featured snippet

Although SEO strategies focus on ranking on the first page of Google, with added attention to ranking as the first result, it has become more important to rank for Google's featured snippets. If you didn't know, Google's featured snippets are the excerpts that typically appear as a top result on searches. They are often a paragraph with 50 to 60 characters that provide a quick answer to the searched query. This gives readers quick answers that encourage them to click on the linked source for further reading.

Since most platforms now understand the benefits of ranking as a featured snippet, this is one of the top SEO trends in 2023 for your casino to take advantage of. To achieve this, you need to optimise your content by understanding search intent, formatting your content, keeping an optimal word count, and more.

  1. Use the keyword organically

When creating content, readers can always tell when you're forcing a keyword within a sentence, especially when they are structured badly. However, you must avoid using these keywords too often since they can offend your readers. The best way to use keywords is to place them organically within your content. That's one of the main reasons you need to use keywords related to the topic being covered.

Optimise content using long-tail keywords with QWERTYLABS

There are many intricacies when it comes to search engine optimisation. Among them is understanding the right keywords to use. Though you'll often come across short-tail keywords when researching the best ones to use for your content, it's important that you also pay attention to long-tail keywords.

These keywords allow you to target consumers seeking specific information about your niche. Optimising your content to provide them with answers allows your platform to gain decent traffic and even better lead conversion rates. Unfortunately, this is a task that's easier said than done. To achieve such feats, you need an in-depth understanding of the complex nature of SEO and the right set of skills to develop content that leverage the right optimisation strategies.

If you're unfamiliar with this area of content marketing, then QWERTYLABS can help you with it. As a digital platform with years of experience in SEO and the iGaming industry, you're in good hands in turning your online casino platform into a leading brand. Ready to up your SEO game? Achieve a successful keyword strategy with QWERTYLABS by reading our list of services and contacting us.


How to have a winning content marketing strategy

More likely than not, your casino brand already has content on the website. However, it needs to be content that's relevant to your business and target audience. The core of brilliant content is not just about creating something and publishing it online. You'll need to have a content marketing strategy if you want to optimise the potential of that certain campaign fully. 

Marketing tactics and campaigns are bound to fail or deliver under-optimised results if there are no strategies at their foundation. That's why you need a successful content marketing strategy that QWERTYLABS can deliver! Dig into this guide to understand how we can help you develop your marketing strategy for your casino brand. 

What is a content marketing strategy?

At its core, content marketing is a strategy used to attract, engage and retain an audience. With this, you develop and distribute relevant and useful content such as blogs, newsletters, whitepapers, videos, emails, social media posts and other media which will engage current and potential customers. 

This establishes your casino brand as an authority and a thought leader in the industry. By publishing content and distributing it in various ways, you boost trust among your audience and retain their interest in your brand. Moreover, when done right, content published by your brand would convey expertise that would make customers feel valued. 

The importance of a content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategy is important for your business because it lets you reach out to your audience and let them know what's unique about what you're offering them. It's something casinos especially shouldn't overlook since your punters need to be engaged with content relevant to their experience on your platform. When done right, an effective content marketing strategy can:

Online visibility is essential for your casino to thrive. Having the right content strategy will help you attract more punters to your websites, especially if you target their pain points. That's why it's important to have educational and informative content shared through your website and other social media platforms so you can reach out to potential customers. This also increases your online presence and visibility, giving you more chances to reach out to people in different demographics. 

With content marketing, you can drive more traffic to your website. When you have informative content, your punters trust your website more, and you make them feel more comfortable using your platform. This generates more leads and cultivates relationships not only with current players but also with potential customers as well. 

In the casino industry, loyalty is critical in a business. The more loyal the punters are to your platform, the more business you generate. Offering engaging content to your customers builds their trust and loyalty to your brand. Moreover, these punters will see you as a thought leader in the industry because they get informative pieces from your content. 

Content development is a must if you want to improve your brand's authority. That's because, with the right content, you can become the thought leader of your particular niche. Not only does this help build trust, but it also positions your casino brand as an authority in the niche. 


How to know if you need a content marketing strategy?

Every business, especially casino brands, needs a content marketing strategy. Otherwise, how will you get the word out that you're offering your services? If you're already creating content for your business, you need a strategy to make sense of the efforts you make. 

Focusing too much on generating content and not allotting time for strategy gets you at risk of not seeing the bigger picture. It's a crucial mistake one can make in content marketing, and you need to avoid that for your casino brand to prosper. A sure way to get you started with content strategy is with QWERTYLABS. Our dedicated team of SEO strategists and content creators can help you make strides in the digital marketing sphere. 

12 steps to creating content marketing strategies for your casino brand

Starting your content marketing strategy from scratch can be overwhelming, especially since there's so much to consider. Luckily for you, our team at QWERTYLABS will guide you through the step-by-step process. Follow through the sections below to understand how content marketing works and what you should do when creating a strategy for your content. 

  1. Set your mission and define your goals

To start, you must first create a mission statement. This brief statement defines what's important when creating your content so everyone involved in the process stays on track. It should include your target audience, the content you'll use to reach out to them and the benefits they'll get from your content. 

While the mission statement covers what your audience will get from your content marketing strategy, your business goals, on the other hand, outline what you'll get from it. Typical goals for content marketing include:

  1. Establish your KPIs

To achieve your goals, you must make them specific and measurable. That means you have to set key performance indicators (KPIs) to quantify your defined goals for your content marketing strategy. KPIs will let you know when you've achieved the goals by providing you with milestones that can be ticked off. These typically include what you plan to achieve with revenue, sales, traffic, SEO and other aspects of digital marketing, such as email marketing and social media metrics. 

  1. Know your audience

Knowing your audience is the next step to a successful marketing content strategy. This will make clear who your audience is so you can create the right content to reach out to. To fully understand who your audience is, you have to take three steps:

First, collect the demographics of your visitors, email subscribers and social media followers. These include their age, gender, education and income. You'll also need to acquire their key interests, which you can find on Google Analytics. Go to Audience and then Interests. Find the overview to see which market segments your web visitors fit into. 

You can also obtain demographic information from social media insights. Just go to the Page Insights or Analytics section of your account, and you can find ready information provided by the platform. 

Collecting customer feedback is another way of learning more about your target audience. Doing so gives you insights to:

Collecting feedback from your target audience is simple. Create a survey using any tools and send them to your email subscribers or put them on your website. 

Once you have demographic data and customer feedback, you can flesh out your buyer personas. These are also known as customer avatars which describe your ideal readers and customers so you can target the content better. 

Your buyer personas should include information about the following:

These will give you a better understanding of what kind of content your audience responds to, how to help them and what to do to make them care about your content.

  1. Assess your current position

If you already have a casino site, it's more likely than not that you already have content on your website or social media. The next step is to figure out whether the content you already have is helping you meet your goals. To do this, check the following steps:

What you need to do first is carry out a content audit on your already existing content. This will help you assess their usefulness and identify the gaps you need to fill. When auditing your content, you need to first log all your site content into a URL crawler tool that will list all URLs, analyse page titles and descriptions, find duplicate pages and create sitemaps. 

After the audit, you need to assess the usefulness of your content. Look for metrics like:

You can get information about these metrics from top SEO tools your business needs, like SEMRush, which has features like site audit and position tracking. This will tell you which content is effective and which needs improvement. It can also tell you which content you've created needs to be removed or completely replaced and overhauled. 

Once you've figured out which are working and which aren't on your content, fill out the gaps you can exploit. Some of these can be the following:

  1. Run a competitor analysis

Your competitors might have made content plans on their own. You can exploit this by running a competitor analysis and looking for key metrics such as the following:

Analyse all of these and figure out how you can do better in a way that can serve your audience. However, it's not good to copy what your competitors are doing. What you need to do is find what's different between your strategy and theirs and work your way to making it better for your brand.

  1. Figure out the best content channels

Don't try to do everything at once. Figure out where your audience is hanging out and where you already have a successful online presence. It's best to focus on what is working and then expand from there. Again, Google Analytics is your best friend. Go to Acquisitions and then Social. Then under that, go to Overview to see the main social networks on which your content is being shared. With that, you can plan which channels to put your content on. 

  1. Decide on your content types

Before writing your content, you must first decide what content type you need for your casino brand. There's a wide range of content types to choose from, and choosing one depends on what you want to do with it. 

Blog posts are essential to your content marketing mix because they deliver strong results. So ideally, your blog posts should be actionable, valuable and shareable. It should also include a range of article types to make it more varied and dynamic. Moreover, video content marketing for casino brands is also a must. It's a medium proven to engage visitors to keep them on-site for longer. People tend to gravitate towards visual media, which improves lead generation and reduces abandonment. 

  1. Identify resources and allocate them accordingly

Knowing what type of content you're planning, who it's for and where you're planning to share it is only half the battle. You'll also need to know the logistics of creating the content. You'll need to identify the following key roles:

Who will be in charge of content planning and creation? This is about allocating roles to your team. You need to think about who will oversee the project and who will be responsible for individual deliverables. 

Next, figure out how you're going to create the content. Are you going to hire in-house content creators or freelancers? Will you need software programs for your content creation? These questions will help you figure out the logistics of how to create the content. 

Finally, you must determine what the content production process will look like. For example, if you're going to write a blog, the process may look like this:

  1. Create a content calendar

You can't create the content just yet. You also need to know exactly when you want to publish the content for each platform you use. It's essential to use a content calendar to get all the content scheduled. This way, you have full control over the whole schedule according to your SEO strategy. 

  1. Create content

After assembling all the content you want to create into a calendar, it's time to choose one and work on it. For example, you chose to do a blog post. You must first:

Find out what's already out there and determine how your content can add value to your audience. This means doing a quick Google search to know what your competitors have already done for the topic. Aside from this, you also need to include keyword research to identify the items that will help rank your article on Google SERP. 

With the right research and keywords, you're ready to make your content. By this time, you'll have to think about how your brand's personality will be reflected in the content you're writing. You'll either want to be professional sounding, casual or something in between. Aside from that, you also have to show your audience expertise without sounding patronising or condescending. Make sure to incorporate all the keywords and entities from your research into the content you're writing. This is essential so that your article will run on Google's SERP. 

  1. Distribute and market the content

After writing and publishing your content, you must distribute it to your audience. You might want to set a schedule for sharing your content on social media, use email marketing to distribute the content to those subscribed to your website and notify influencers to help spread the word about your content. 

Distribution is as important as the research part of your article. Without the right marketing strategies, you won't be able to distribute your work effectively to your audience. With our help at QWERTYLABS, you'd find ways to improve your content marketing strategy. 

  1. Measure your results

Content marketing strategy does not end when you hit publish. Even after you've distributed your content to your audience, there are things you can do to improve your SEO strategy. What you want to do is return to the KPIs you've set at the beginning of the content strategy planning and see what things changed and whether or not you're hitting your targets. 

Again, Google Analytics is a good tool to help you measure the success of your campaign. With this tool, you can see how your content is performing. You can also use SEMRush to help assess the KPIs for the search rank of your content. Monitor your progress and tweak the content marketing strategy at regular intervals. This ensures your content is always up to date. 

Carry out a winning content marketing strategy with QWERTYLABS

Creating content for your casino brand is no walk in the park. There's a lot to consider and plan for; that's why you need help from professionals like QWERTYLABS. With our help, you can rise through the ranks on Google SERP and optimise your content to turn leads into sales. 

Ready to turn your brand into a leader in your industry? Get a content marketing strategy with QWERTYLABS and make the most of your online presence. Take advantage of our extensive services, and contact us today!


How to get Google to instantly index your casino

Online casinos are popular among avid players on the web, which makes it crucial for these sites to promote bonuses, new content and games to get ahead of other casino platforms. One of the best ways to get noticed is by getting your site indexed by Google, which ultimately helps your site rank higher in search results. With us at QWERTYLABS, you can strengthen your reach to potential clients and generate the online traffic your site needs. Learn more about casino site indexing, tips on getting it done, and why it’s essential in the process in the coming sections below. 

What does it mean when you index a site?

Casino site indexing is a process by which you can get your website noticed by Google bots or crawlers when they attempt to see what it offers. It delves into the technical side of your website, like the quality of the backlinks, content and sitemap, among other elements. 

At the end of the process, if your site has been indexed, there is a bigger chance your content and the site will rank. This results in increased site traffic and, of course, more attention to your content. This is one of the most successful SEO tips for higher casino ranking online and why you should consider indexing your site. 

The long-term goal of indexing is to give your site the recognition it deserves. Investing in the quality of your content and website will ultimately lead to an indexed site and an increased number of players in your online casino. 

How to rank in search engines 

As previously mentioned, the main goal of indexing is to get your site verified by Google and have your content rank in search. If you want to know more about how to rank in Google and get your casino site noticed, take a look at the step-by-step process below: 

Step 1. Perform keyword research for your content 

Content is essential when promoting your site and everything it has to offer. To achieve this, there are preparation measures you can take to prepare your content. This includes keyword research, strategically using keywords that are more likely to be used by Google search users.

The better your chosen keywords match, the better your chances of getting noticed online! You can also consider the keywords used by your competitors and use them to your advantage on your site. This is when you can use these keywords to prepare for content creation and use them as a guide on what information to include when writing. 

Step 2. Create engaging data-based content 

Another way for your site to get noticed online or rank in search is to prioritise the content you’re publishing. Ensure that all your written articles are informative, engaging and based on reputable sources. Keep in mind that the quality of your content will help Google index your site, so make the extra effort to create excellent content. Once your site has been indexed, organic traffic will pour in, and more people will be inclined to create accounts on your casino site. The best step to achieve this is through tried and tested informative content.


Step 3. Track your competitors’ progress

Considering the internet offers a vast network of information, plenty of other sites offer the same thing as yours. When it comes to online casinos, you will also be surprised by the various competitor sites you find. The idea is to stand out and consider what you can do to catch the attention of your readers, which is where competitor link analysis comes into the picture. You need to understand how other casino sites function and publish their content to stand out. Fill out the gaps you have noticed with their content, backlinks and even online services and apply them to your needs. 

Step 4. Build backlinks 

Once your article has been created, incorporate the current content on your site. Link related articles to your content; these backlinks will redirect your readers to other parts of your website. The better your backlinks are, the more attention your site will get! 

You can link brand-new games or related categories to your articles and consider it a means for your readers to explore other parts of your site. In the long run, these backlinks will create a more efficient network of your site and what it offers.

Step 5. Consistently work on site maintenance 

Keeping up an online business is not easy, especially for such a high-functioning site as an online casino. This is why you must take every step necessary to maintain your casino properly. Although not necessary regularly, your site should undergo an auditing process at least 3 to 4 times a year. 

During site maintenance, you should check the quality of your content and the accuracy of backlinks, perform competitor link analysis and make other fixes to ensure your website is up and running at full capacity. The process may seem tedious, but you’ll find that it’s the best way to generate more organic traffic and allow your content to be seen online and rank higher in search. 

Essential tips to keep in mind for Google to index your site 

Upon learning more about site indexing and how to help your content rank higher in Google searches, there are some things you can do to help speed up the process. See some of the tips you should consider when trying to get your website indexed: 

  1. Access your Google Search Console account 

The first thing to remember regarding site indexing is to have your Google Search Console account. This should be something that you already have since your site was published in the first place. The Google Search Console account is responsible for helping you understand the indexing process and its status on your site. Once you have access to your Google Search Console account, you can immediately explore its offerings. Your ownership of the casino site must be verified, as this will help you progress to the more important steps. 

  1. Take a look at the site’s indexing status 

You can check the status of your website upon accessing the Google Search Console account. Simply copy the main URL of your site and paste it onto the inspection box at the topmost portion of the page. This is where you will find out if Google has indexed your site or a specific page.

If your site has not been indexed, then this is when the work comes into play. You’ll have to improve your site and eventually request Google to index your casino platform. The process should take anywhere from 24 hours to a few days, depending on the content available on your page.

  1. Request for indexing 

You will find that your website’s URL has been confirmed and can be found on Google. However, if it is not indexed, click on the button on the lower right portion of the status report. Then click on the ‘Request Indexing’ option, and your request will be processed. 

Keep in mind that it is possible for certain pages on your website to be already indexed. If there is new content or pages on your site, that’s the only time you should request an index. The goal is for all portions of your site and its content to be fully indexed and seen on Google results.

  1. Ensure your sitemap and RSS are up and running 

Take note that your website’s sitemap is essential to the indexing process since this is an online record of navigating your website along with the pages and content found on it. When Google attempts to index your platform, this sitemap will play a big part in the process, so make sure it’s complete and fully functioning. 

Additionally, your website’s RSS or RDF Site Summary is another essential aspect of Google indexing, as it’s your way of accessing and managing the data on your website. Even if you are not a programmer, the RSS will help you better understand your website and how your content is faring. 

  1. Work with Google Analytics 

The primary goal of Google Analytics is to help business and website owners better grasp their platform’s progress and track essential data and reports. When you want to get your site indexed by Google, it helps to work with the Analytics branch since you’ll have an overview of your site’s performance. 

If there are any issues with the landing pages or low-performing content, you will see them all on Google Analytics. Use the data acquired there and make the necessary adjustments to your casino site. Once finished, your chances of getting the site or a specific page indexed will increase. 

  1. Eliminate unnecessary content on your site 

One of the things that casino site owners need to remember is that the more content you have, the longer it will take for Google bots to crawl and eventually index your site. If there are any unnecessary content or non-functioning pages on your casino site, then that could delay the indexing process. 

With the help of Google Analytics and consistent site auditing, you can pinpoint weak spots on your sitemap and make the necessary changes. Just keep the essential content to make the indexing process easier and maintain this practice even after your site and all its pages have been indexed on Google. 

  1. Always share your new content with online channels 

One of the common mistakes to avoid in casino content writing is not properly publishing or sharing them in the correct channels. The internet offers a vast network of platforms where you can reach potential players, so it’s your job to get your content as close to your target audience as possible. 

Once your content has been created and published on the site, that doesn’t mean you should stop there. Try to make your backlinks strong and publish on other online platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram, to name a few. Additionally, tailor your content based on your target audience and use the respective channels. 

  1. Prioritise engaging marketing strategies 

A well-created marketing plan is essential for the survival of your brand. This is crucial for online casinos since you always want your games and content to be interesting and relevant. Carefully plan the consistent creation and publishing of your content and make any changes concerning market trends. 

Stay open-minded when it comes to various marketing strategies. This can highlight your casino’s bonuses, events and promotions, stay on top of today’s latest gaming trends, and foster partnerships with gaming ambassadors and influencers. These will help your site increase its audience range and boost its reputation. 


Index your site with QWERTYLABS today! 

Site indexing is essential to maintaining your casino platform since it puts your content and site pages on Google search results. Without it, your content could be lost in translation, and your target audience might never see it. This is why high-quality content and a fully-functioning website is your best friend when running an online casino. 

With us at QWERTYLABS, you’ll find that indexing your casino site is a piece of cake! The various web development, content and SEO services we offer are the perfect fit for your online casino business. Working with us will create an excellent platform that appeals to casino players worldwide. Contact us today and get started with getting your site indexed and giving your online casino the attention it deserves. 

Complete guide to competitor link analysis

It's no easy feat to appear on the first page of Google. One of the best ways for you to rank on SERPs is to have as many backlinks as possible. Backlinks are a vote of confidence for your website. Other websites would link to your page to vouch for your site's authenticity. But the question is, how do you get backlinks? One of the ways you can do so is by looking at your competitors and the backlinks that they have. 

In the digital marketing sphere, especially within the niche of the casino industry, you have to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Looking at your competitors' backlinks provides you with a foundation on how to build your own and gives you valuable information on how to do so successfully. 

Building backlinks for your casino brand is more manageable by checking out what the competitors are doing. For one, a limited number of websites are willing to link to a casino brand, so your sources are sparse. Finding out which websites are linked to your competitors gives you knowledge about who to reach out to when creating backlinks for your site. Moreover, it provides insight into your competitors' backlink strategy. This gives you an advantage and an opportunity to build yours based on what they are missing. 

However, building backlinks and knowing how to analyse competitor links is not a walk in the park. You need to be equipped with the right skills, knowledge and tools to build a strategy that will fit your brand. Luckily, QWERTYLABS is here to guide you through the process and give you more info about competitor backlink analysis as you browse through the sections below. 

What is a competitor backlink analysis?

A competitor backlink analysis also called a link gap analysis, is the process of identifying websites and pages linked to other websites similar to your brand. This is an assessment of the link profiles of your major competitors, where you get insights about how they created their link-building strategies that you can apply to your website. 

When you perform this analysis, you find sites that commonly link to websites in your niche. Look at well-ranking competitors and find out if they have the same links. If so, these links are helping them rank on Google's SERP. 

Backlinks are essential for ranking since Google takes this as a vouch for your website authority. However, it's hard to get a good backlink for your website for several reasons. For one, you have to prove to the site that your content and products offered are worthy of being featured. Moreover, as a casino site, only a few sites are willing to link your brand to their pages. Looking at the websites already linked to your competitors is a step forward to establishing your backlinking strategy. That's because these linked websites are interested in your brand's niche and topic. Now, you have to show that you've created superior and more valuable content for your audience so they would also link to your site. Fortunately, you can create valuable content with QWERTYLABS. Here, we'll help you create evergreen content perfect for your niche to establish your authority online.


The two types of backlink research you can perform

Two types of backlink research can help you figure out how to implement your strategy. The first one is domain-level competitor research, which requires you to search for the backlink profile of competing brands. Initially, you'd want to do this type of research so you can identify top-ranking websites in the industry. Once you've found them, you can identify domains linked to these websites. These domains are those you can reach out to for backlinks. 

The second type of research is page-level competitor research, which looks at the backlinks of a specific page. With this, you'll look for the top pages that are ranking for your keywords and from there, you can trace back to competing sites you'll have to go against in building your strategy. 

Taking a look at basic auditing: How to perform competitor analysis

The hard part of creating your backlink strategy is to perform a comprehensive competitor link analysis. You can rely on QWERTYLABS to get this done for you, but if you want a closer look at the process, check the sections below:

  1. Choose competitive analysis tools

Advanced tools are needed for competitor backlink analysis, such as Ahrefs, Majestic, and SEMrush automate data collection. You can easily determine your top competitors, their best backlinks and the links they have that you don't have with just a few clicks. You should also use more than one tool for backlinking purposes. Using multiple tools provides a more detailed analysis of the competitor's backlinks. 

Here are some of the tools you can use:


When it comes to building backlinks, it's hard not to take notice of Ahrefs. It has everything you need and expects from an SEO tool, such as more than 200 million vetted domains and more than 400 billion pages in its backlink index. Using this tool will likely find almost all backlinks that point to a site. The tool also has powerful filtering options that help make the backlinks analysis process easier.


Majestic is another backlink checker tool that functions similarly to Ahrefs. This tool is popular due to its Flow Metric Score. This helps determine the most authoritative domains based on their trust and citation flows. It also has a Link Context feature that identifies each link it finds. This is helpful when deciding which type of backlinks you will pursue, depending on its difficulty. 


Another backlinks checker tool to watch out for is SEMrush. It can provide you with competitor backlinks that can be filtered based on set criteria. Aside from backlinks, this tool can also help in social media, market research and advertising efforts. 

  1. Check your website’s backlink health

Before digging into your competitors, you must first assess your profile, specifically your website's domain authority. Your site's domain authority is a comparative metric when you start investigating your true competitors. This provides a self-evaluation of your metrics and what you can do to improve your strategies. 

You can easily check your backlink health through the Domain Authority tool by Just enter your domain name and click on Check Authority to continue. Statistics of your top pages by links and top linking domains will appear to show where you're performing well. This can help you gauge the performance of your website and the effectiveness of the backlinks you already have

  1. Identify competitors

If you already know who your competitors are, then it'll be easier to find their backlinks. But if you're yet to see the full picture of your competitors, Ahrefs can help you find out which websites compete with yours. Check out the organic competitors' page of Ahrefs Site Explorer to find those ranking for the same keywords as you. 

  1. Find common links

After finding out who your competitors are, take that list and input them in the Link Intersect report in Ahrefs' Site Explorer. This provides you with a list of your competitors' referring domains and the number of competitors that have links from those sites. Click on the numbers under each domain to see what kind of content these links are. 

  1. Identify competitor strategies

With this data, you can identify the strategy of your competitors and build your own from the ground up. You can look for common links your competitors have that you don't and work your way through them. Moreover, you can also look for patterns in the data to see the type of sites competitors gets their links from. This way, you'll find out whether the links are from niche sites, local listings, or other websites. 

Referring domains for websites and pages

Search engines like Google look for links from different domains when deciding whether or not to rank your website. You can't just have one domain linking to your website even though you have thousands of links since that's counted as one link. Looking for the referring domains that each competitor has will be the prospect backlinks that can help you rank on Google SERP. There are two ways to do this, through a domain level or a page level. 

  1. Find referring domains for websites

Using Site Explorer, enter the domain URL of your competitor on the search bar, then click on backlink profiles. You'll find referring domains under the subcategories, which show the complete list of backlinks pointing to your competitor from different domains. 

On a domain level, you'll find all backlinks pointing to different pages on the competitor's site, sorted by highest to lowest domain rating (DR). If the website has a lot of links coming from high-quality sites, then the DR should be high. This isn't the only thing you must consider when looking for referring domains on a website. You'll also need to consider the traffic that each domain receives in 30 days. The traffic proves the legitimacy of the site. A site can have high DR but low traffic, which means it's spam or part of a private blog network (PBN) which you should steer clear of.  

  1. Find referring domains for pages

Searching for backlinks on a page level is ideal if you want to rank for a certain keyword. Using Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, enter the keyword you want to target and rank for. Scroll down to the SERP overview section to see the top 10 pages on Google. Keep your focus on the URL rating (UR) and the domains column. The UR refers to the page authority of a certain website determined by the number and quality of the referring domains pointing to that specific page. Take note of those pages with the highest UR and linking domains since these pages have the best-referring domains you'd want to get links from.  

Get the most out of your link-building efforts and look at the keywords and top keywords columns for ideas on what anchor texts to use when getting a link from the referring domains.


Determining how to acquire links from the domains

Identifying the referring domains is only half the battle. You must also figure out how to acquire those links from the domains. The first thing you should do is analyse the referral domain of your competitor on Ahrefs. Check out the link to the target column and click on the drop-down menu for each linking domain and the number of links your competitor has. Through this, you'll find the page on the referring domain where the link appeared, the anchor text used for linking and other information about the referring domain, such as the DR, UR, ranking keywords, and the domain and traffic page. You'll also see the type of backlink your competitor has for the domain. 

All this information can help you decipher what kind of backlink was negotiated by your competitor to the referring page, where competitor link analysis with QWERTYLABS comes in handy. Not only will we run an analysis of your competitors for you, but we'll also be contacting the referring domains that can help your casino brand rank on Google's SERP. We'll do the heavy lifting of negotiating link placement for you so you won't have to. 

Let QWERTYLABS help you acquire backlinks for your casino brand

Competitor link analysis is necessary for acquiring backlinks for your casino website. Without it, you won't find trusted and high-quality referring domains that can point back to your website and help you rank on Google's SERP. Get your trusted competitor link analysis with QWERTYLABS! We have an SEO team dedicated to this service, so you wouldn't have to do it independently. Couple this with high-quality content creation, and your website will rank in Google in no time. This is an opportunity to work with only the best in the industry. Contact us today and find out how you can make the most of competitor link analysis strategies.