[PART 5] AI ChatGPT Series: On-page audits

In our AI ChatGPT series, we successfully designed and created sportsbookbacklinks.com using ChatGPT. It also provided the sitemap, content plan, and weekly blogs. sportsbookbacklinks.com already has all the makings of a fully-functional website that can rank in Google. 

This is why in the next part of our ChatGPT, we’ll conduct an on-page audit on sportsbookbacklinks.com to see how well the site has performed so far. Website audits are essential to ensure a platform’s functionality and overall performance. It provides useful data on platform weaknesses so we can address them early on. 

Find out how we used ChatGPT to audit our AI-made site sportsbookbacklinks.com and the experiment results below.

What is a website audit?

Conducting a website audit is crucial since it provides significant information and data points for proper site management. Through it, you’ll know whether your website functions as you intended and also discover areas of improvement.

Auditing sportsbookbacklinks.com with ChatGPT

To ensure sportsbookbacklinks.com meets all the criteria of a high-performing site, we conducted an on-page site audit. This is an integral part of our AI project since it tells us whether using ChatGPT in creating a site gave us desirable results. Discover more about our auditing process below:

  1. Asking ChatGPT for an audit guideline

A Manual QA typically does site audits with the help of the best QA web automation tools. Here at QWERTYLABS, we rely on our Webmasters, who have in-depth knowledge and experience conducting audits. However, for this project, we wanted to see if ChatGPT could take this step out of our hands. To find out, we sent a prompt to the chatbot. Here’s the response we got:

As shown in the photos above, ChatGPT indicated it couldn’t conduct the site audit itself. Instead, it gave us a general guideline on how to perform a domain audit using various tools and manual inspection methods. 

On the other hand, ChatGPT Plus offers various plug-ins, such as the Browsing plug-in, that can help ChatGPT evaluate websites. This plug-in connects ChatGPT to the internet so that it can provide real-time feedback on the site’s performance online. However, we’re still currently on the waitlist for ChatGPT Plus to gain access to the plug-in.

Since this is the case, we conducted a manual site audit with the auditing tools ChatGPT provided. Fortunately, these high-end tools are what we already use here at QWERTYLABS, which are:

With the help of additional tools such as:


Auditing of domain

  1. Site architecture

We started with the domain audit by checking the site architecture. This is done by manually navigating the site pages to check the functionality. This includes browsing the main navigation menu, sidebars, footer, and other navigational elements. Upon checking, we confirmed that sportsbookbacklinks.com has everything in order. This means visitors can easily navigate the pages and won’t face issues while doing so.

  1. Content structure

To check the content structure of sportsbookbacklinks.com, we used the app Surferseo. This platform is used to check content structure, interlinking, SEO header requirements, and the overall content score of the site. Here’s the result:

Sportsbookbacklinks.com received a Content score of 26 when compared to the suggested competitors. Suffice it to say, this is a failing score, which is why we need to improve the score to 42 to pass.

For us to succeed in this, we decided to improve the content on the site by increasing the length. Additionally, we paid attention to the content creation process for sportsbookbacklinks.com. Instead of posting the content ChatGPT provided as it is, we changed our approach by checking the quality and editing them as needed.

  1. Crawlability and indexing

The next part of our audit focused on crawl ability and indexability. For this, we used Google Search Console, which provides information about crawl errors and indexing issues. Unfortunately, sportsbookbacklinks.com failed in this aspect, with only 50% of the site indexed.

We deduced that this might be the result of the purely ChatGPT AI-generated content we uploaded as weekly blogs. Google’s spam policy on AI content might be why most of our pages were not indexed by Google. Hopefully, with our new content process in place, we’ll see better results in our next site audit. 

  1. Site speed

With the site speed audit, we needed to score a 90 to pass using Google PageSpeed Insights. At present, we have a score of:

 82 for mobile 

79 on desktop

Using GTmetrix, we had similar results, scoring a C for the site speed.

To improve site speed, we only needed to further optimise the images on our site for the next auditing. 

  1. Mobile-friendliness

Next, we checked the site’s mobile-friendliness. In this process, we used Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool. Fortunately, we passed, which means the site is easily accessible to mobile users.

  1. Security

The two critical things to check for the site's security are the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) and whether it has an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. Sportsbookbacklinks.com also passed this test.

  1. XML Sitemap

Sportsbookbacklinks.com also passed the test for XML Sitemap since it has a readable sitemap, and it’s been submitted to Google Search Console.

  1. Domain authority

Using Moz’s Link Explorer, we conducted the domain authority test and scored 1. This is a failing score, so we must build the site’s authority with more quality backlinks.

Content audit of sportsbookbacklinks.com

  1. Duplicate content

To maintain a reputable website, ensure you’re not posting duplicate content. This test is vital since one aspect of our AI project is determining whether ChatGPT is a viable option for content creation.

Using Copyscape for the test, results showed that one of the contents ChatGPT made for Sportsbookbacklinks.com is already up on the internet. 

However, when we used Siteliner, it showed that 33% of the 33 content posted on the site was a duplicate.

Here’s what we observed when we edited the blogs ChatGPT produced: Although the information in the blogs was unique and specific to each section or header, the sentence and paragraph structures were precisely the same. Moreover, certain phrases were repeated within the content. All of these added up to blogs that sounded repetitive and seemed to follow a robotic formula.

  1. Broken links

Next, we used Ahrefs to check for any broken links in the site. This we passed since all the links on the site are working.

  1. Backlinks

Backlinks are an important criterion when it comes to building site authority. Unfortunately, sportsbookbacklinks.com currently only has one backlink. This is the information we got from the Ahrefs backlink checker:

The results were the same when we conducted the same test using Moz’s Link Explorer:

One of the next steps we’ll look at for sportsbookbacklinks.com is adding more high-quality backlinks to build the site’s authority.

The subpage audit for sportsbookbacklinks.com

  1. Meta-title

Meta-titles are a vital part of Search Engine Optimisation. The main requirement is a title with 40 to 60 characters or fewer than 580px. However, when we conducted the test using Serp, we found that the meta-titles on sportsbookbacklinks.com did not pass.

  1. Meta-description

Similarly, sportsbookbacklinks.com failed when we checked if it met meta-description requirements. This means it exceeded the required maximum of 160 characters or less than 990px.

  1. Subpage indexing

To pass the subpage indexing, we needed to ensure that all 10 SEO pages on the site were indexed. Fortunately, using the Google Search Console for this test, we found that all the pages were indexed.

  1. Interlinking

For the last step in the site audit, we checked whether sportsbookbacklinks.com had ample interlinking or not. To address this, we’ll need to interlink various pages on the site, which we will do by using anchor texts provided by ChatGPT.

Audit summary for sportsbookbacklinks.com

We’ve outlined the process of the audit. Now it’s time to review the auditing process and what we learned from it.

  1. ChatGPT’s limitations for site audit

The purpose of this AI ChatGPT project is to see whether AI tools are capable of maintaining a website with minimal human oversight. While ChatGPT and other AI tools have been useful in streamlining various site maintenance processes, auditing a site is not one of them. However, there is a ChatGPT extension that may help with site audits. Unfortunately, we don’t have access to it at the time of writing, so we’re unable to check its usefulness and reliability.

  1. The total time it took to conduct a site audit

The total time it took for us to complete the manual audit was four hours and a half. It took a large chunk of time to conduct the audit since we needed to be thorough and ensure we were not overlooking any aspect of the process.

  1. The importance of a Manual QA

The purpose of auditing a site is to ensure that visitors will have an easy time navigating it and that they will gain value from the provided content. We needed human skill and experience to determine whether sportsbookbacklinks.com succeeded in these aspects accurately. The reason for this is that AI tools cannot accurately analyse the human experience.

What comes next with QWERTYLABS AI ChatGPT project?

A month has passed since QWERTYLABS began the AI ChatGPT project. Throughout our experiment, we’ve gained insights into how AI tools can be used to streamline the process of maintaining a website. 

However, we also discovered many limitations that hinder its ability to create and manage a website without human interference. With the site audit we conducted, it’s clear that despite the usefulness of AI, it’s still essential to have the skill and experience of humans to maintain a site properly. 

With all these lessons, we aim to make the necessary improvements to address the failed tests we conducted. Once we’ve done that, we hope to get better test results to have good traffic, SERP visibility, and overall site performance. Stay updated as our AI ChatGPT project ends in the following weeks here at QWERTYLABS.


Google Search Algorithm guide in 2023 for beginners in SEO

The internet is a handy tool for many industries, and its most used feature is its database. Millions of users worldwide contribute to the internet’s ever-expanding content, making it increasingly complex and confusing to explore. The Google search algorithm makes navigating this figurative sea of information easier, making it one of the most useful inventions in the modern age. 

While the Google search engine algorithm is complex, knowing its core concept gives you a leg up in marketing. Learn about the latest Google algorithm in this comprehensive guide from QWERTYLABS. It comes with basic tutorials to give you a leg up in startup. 

What is Google Algorithm?

The algorithm is the machine learning technology behind Google’s search engine. It organises all the information stored on the internet by scanning the page and indexing its content for reference. Google scores each of them on readability, relevance, and accuracy by cross-referencing it with similar content. The page is built using programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. 

The scores are the metric used when search queries are made using Google’s search engine. Whatever keyword, phrase, or sentence you input is scanned per word and its collective meaning. It will then look up its indexed data and see all information relevant to your query. Google Algorithm will then rank each by score and present them on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) in order from most to least relevant. 

How does the Google Algorithm work?

The Google Algorithm explained on the fundamental level is much more complex than the big picture. It is an extensive collection of interacting elements serving the common goal of delivering the best content to answer the user’s question. The first step is that it breaks down every word written on a webpage into keywords; the same is done for your web query. Google then tries to comprehend the user intent behind the query to deliver the most accurate answer from the entire internet. 

Keywords can take many forms, from individual words to phrases to full sentences. It is then given context based on the words surrounding it or the full paragraph that it is a part of. The Google Algorithm is crawling across the world wide web (www) and indexing these pieces of information. 

People with a basic understanding of Google’s algorithm make the mistake of using popular keywords repeatedly in hopes of scoring higher. Fortunately, a safety feature in their search engine called the spamming algorithm stops this. It prioritises the quality of the content more than the frequency of relevant keywords in any Google search. Therefore, the best way to attract visitors to your website is to create genuinely high-quality content. 


Why is the Google Algorithm so important?

Asking ‘how does Google search algorithm work?’ can lead to quick answers to questions like ‘what can it do for me or my business?’. No coding is related to how you can use such a complex tool. Even the most casual users who only know how to operate a social media page can use its functions for personal growth and profit. 

Google’s algorithm is vital to all users of the internet. The way it tracks information quality and ranking them makes SERP features invaluable today. It opens a marketing opportunity for all kinds of businesses, like online casinos, improving the performance of your website by attracting web traffic. Gamblers will use the internet to look for various information on online casinos or bookmaker services, and you can get their attention by scoring high in the SERP. 

Gamblers occasionally use Google to look for the best bonuses, updates on new games, or even tips on the best betting strategies. Likewise, a sports bettor would be following sports-related news and blogs. You can attract these types of Google queries and bring high web traffic to your online casino. 

Learn Google Algorithm to understand better how to use it to benefit your business. One trick you can use is building backlinks on various websites. The more times your brand is mentioned, the higher its authority becomes in all search results revolving around online gambling. 

Google Algorithm updates

It’s hard to believe that Google hasn’t always been how you know it today, but it has undergone plenty of changes since its launch in 1998. Changes were slow and subtle until you stop and try to remember how the website initially looked like when you first used it. If you delve deeper into how indexing works, the Google Algorithm definition changes ever so slightly. 

Updates were infrequent and only included minor changes to polish the system until November 2003, when the Florida Update went live. It includes the addition of a filter mechanism, forever changing how Google ranks website positions. The previous version was rudimentary and had a loophole or two that made searching for accurate information, but the change made it useful and reliable to this day. 

Almost a decade later, an update in 2011 was introduced with the Panda Update, the beginning of the website’s efforts to prioritise the quality of content. Google Algorithm ranking explained that unreliable information or poor practice in grammar and spelling lessen a web page’s authority. Even if the content is of optimal quality, reposting it or duplicating it on different websites only leads to it scoring much lower. 

Updates became more frequent after the Panda Update because the Google Algorithm implemented the Penguin Update in 2012. It started penalising websites that abused the link-building strategy of spamming links on various sources. Hyperlinks are now scored based on how well they fit the context of their placement and how the webpage supports where it backlinks from. 

The Google Algorithm struggled to understand user intent until the 2015 RankBrain update. This gives the website its crawling capabilities using cookies to curate your next web search. Google’s last fundamental update arrived in 2018, dubbed ‘Medic’, which serves one purpose only: to provide quick medical answers to health-related queries. The company considers such information a dire need, hence prioritising the most relevant result it has indexed. 

Google still updates its algorithm today, but none are considered milestone changes like the aforementioned examples. Most of which are meant to improve upon already existing features. Monitoring these changes is still important because you never know when the next major update will come. 


What are Google Algorithm updates

There is no perfection in any kind of system; the same goes for Google’s search algorithm. Years of trials and tribulations reveal plenty of issues in the SERP and how it ranks search results. To this day, Google still keeps improving its search engine based on its users, and changes are much more frequent now with millions of clients. 

The range of an update can be anywhere between minor to critical. All of them are necessary because they ultimately change the core of the search algorithm for the better. After all, it’s a service used by millions of people in the information age. Google also needed to occasionally update the algorithm to help it scale with the world's increasing population. 

Any pieces of information like Google’s algorithm or even the internet’s mainframe are built to support a certain capacity, but the number of users can increase at any time. Thus, the company administering it is responsible for keeping up its performance as best as possible. The ever-expanding nature of the internet makes perfection impossible, so every update is an improvement.

Updates are critical in making the Google Algorithm as reliable as possible, but this makes search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies inconsistent. Some only tackle the fundamentals of online marketing, allowing them to be versatile enough to be relevant for all kinds of changes in the algorithm. However, some SEO strategies need to be adjusted to go along with said improvements. That’s why Google needs to be transparent with its updates by detailing as many changes made on patch notes as possible. 

Google Algorithm update history

Each update on the Google Algorithm significantly impacted how users explore the internet. Every change focuses on different aspects of SERP, but all of it is in the service of making web content easier to navigate. Thus, Google needed a way to inform webmasters and SEO professionals like QWERTYLABS about the updates and changes made to the search engine. 

Most pieces of information can be found in the Google Algorithm Update History. It also helps webmasters and SEO professionals decide how to adjust their marketing strategies to maintain internet traffic. 

Using the information provided by the Google Algorithm Update History, webmasters and SEO professionals can have better insights into adjusting their strategies accordingly. This is aided by having the ability to track their website and backlink performances using Google Analytics. 

The Update History also helps newcomers to its systems get oriented with the basics of SERP. They just need to review the timeline of fundamental changes and what they mean for the search engine to formulate a strong SEO strategy.

Major Google Algorithm updates

Google has improved significantly through updates, but they are still going through changes to combat consistent issues. Its changes range from missable to critical, but only a few are considered significant enough to be called major updates in the grand scheme of the internet. 

Some of them combat spamdexing and duplicate content, while others introduce mobile-friendliness, machine learning and natural language processing. All of these additions are valuable to webmasters and SEO professionals alike.

2011 - Google Panda 

The Google Panda Update introduced the search engine algorithm’s capability of scoring content quality. This update encouraged users to contribute only high-quality content on the internet if their goal is to receive high traffic. This single-handedly removed all bot-generated web pages whose goal was to spam keywords or duplicate content in hopes of dominating the SERP. 

2012 - Google Penguin

The Google Penguin Update targeted websites that abused link spamming on various contents. It is also generally a bot-related problem that plagued the search engine before the update. Now, it encourages more ethical SEO strategies. 

2013  - Google Hummingbird

The search engine was still just a simple filter with the Penguin update until the Google Hummingbird Update in 2013 made understanding queries more complex. It aims to find the most relevant answer to user queries by comprehending the user’s intent and evaluating web pages. Some factors that help a webpage score high in a query are knowing the author, ranking the website’s authority, and scanning for direct answers to quotes. 

2015 - Google Mobilegeddon

Smartphones have been around for a while since the first iPhone arrived on the market in 2007. Thus, many websites have been optimised for smaller screens with portrait orientation. The Google Mobilegeddon Update rewards those websites for all search queries made on a smartphone while penalising those that are not. This reward and penalty scheme only gives mobile users a better quality of life. It does not affect a website’s performance on desktop searches.

2015 - Google RankBrain

Google RankBrain Update built machine learning on the Hummingbird Update as a foundation. It tries to better understand the user’s intention by word association with the keywords used on queries. RankBrain’s mathematical formula works best the longer the search query is because it finds the mutual connections between all keywords used to find relevant pages. It also tries to use your past searches and use as a factor in sorting the SERP.

2018 - Google Medic

The Google Medic Update in 2018 is a quality-of-life improvement for health-related queries. It prioritises the most relevant piece of information by scoring pages’ expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). Having a high E-A-T means that various sources fact-check the web content, and the author is verified to be an expert in the subject. 

Thus, it is the best page to give the user at the time they make their query. This standard is applied to every page, and new ones are occasionally identified as better answers to the same Google search. Thus, it ensures that the user is given newer and most useful information if there is a scientific breakthrough in medicine.

2019 - Google BERT

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is one of the most complex updates to arrive in Google. It was officially launched in 2019, aiding RankBrain’s machine-learning system to improve natural language processing. Thus, Google BERT is better at understanding the context behind search queries without relying on past queries. Eliminating the need to use old searches made BERT faster than RankBrain in ranking SERP.

2018 to present - Google Core Updates

Google habitually implemented names on minor and major updates when focused on providing what the algorithm needed. Now, they are more focused on a consistent schedule for essential changes. This is what the Google Core Updates are, and it’s how the search engine implements changes to its already existing features. 


How to monitor algorithm updates

Plenty of tools and technology are available to help you keep track of Google updates. One of the most versatile is Google Analytics or similar services like Ahrefs, Google Search Console,  and SEMrush. These help you identify ranking reports and web tracking traffic. 

Decreasing performances shown by this tool can only indicate two possible scenarios: changing market trends or updates in Google’s systems. These tools are also great at factor analysis to give you a general idea of backlink performances by summarising all variables. A consistent web tracking process can give you an early heads-up of the following core update and ample time to adjust your SEO strategies accordingly. 

Google Algorithm ranking factors

All changes Google applied to its algorithm have all been in the service of having a reliable ranking system. Before applying any changes, they needed to identify the crucial factors in determining relevance in search results. 

The algorithm is complex because of all the factors it has to juggle, including context, usability, the meaning of the query, and the quality of every web page. It also has to consider your Google search settings as a variable. Fortunately, Google summarised them in three categories for a better understanding of its systems, namely the following:

On-page factors

On-page factors refer to all influential pieces within one web page. The most impactful is content which is the main focus of any web page, whether text or media. Google conducts an on-page SEO evaluating its readability, such as basic grammar and spelling of every word as well as the age of the target audience that can comprehend it. 

Freshness is scored simply by how old it is since published or last edited, so older and possibly outdated content is scored lower. An image on the website should also have a curated alt attribute to help the page score high on the SERP.

On-page SEO also scores how easy it is to navigate the page. That includes implementing backlinks, table of contents, and internal linking. The more natural, the better because navigation is part of Google’s efforts to improve user experience. 

Off-page factors

Off-page means other pages or websites that are connected to the current page. The most impactful factor is the link. Off-page SEO evaluates your online casino brand based on how well your backlinks perform individually. Thus, your casino’s pages score higher in SERP. 

Having backlinks in news and blogs helps boost your online presence, especially if they are active in social media sharing. Having an online presence on various websites strengthens social signals promoting your casino. Listings are also great off-page factors for branding, like review sites that can link to your online casino promotions page. 

Technical factors

Technical SEO covers the evaluation of a web page’s site architecture. The most important is its HTTPS security level to ensure users that it’s a safe web page to visit. It is also the factor that covers the safety of links found within the content. Most websites need a schema markup, also called structured data, which search engines use to understand the contents of the pages. 

Other technical factors include the configuration of the website because technical SEO also scores overall performance and user experience. This aims to see site speed and mobile responsiveness and then penalise signs of inconvenience. A site audit is also important, and it’s about tracking the performance of every webpage on the website. 

This will try to measure the bounce rate (chances of visitors leaving as soon as they enter) and dwell time (how long an average visitor stays on the same page). You should prepare an XML sitemap, a file containing the list of pages on the website to make crawling and indexing easier for the Google Algorithm.

Google Algorithm for SEO

SEO revolves around trying to rank as high as possible at the SERP. There are several branches of strategies designed for a variety of target audiences. For example, marketing your online casino to citizens of a single country means conducting local SEO. 

This means you are trying to use keywords used in local searches and designing your web page to cater to the experience the demographic wants. Likewise, an international SEO will have a wider demographic and rank more generic pages higher than those meant for a specific country. 

Likewise, websites health-related pages need to scale high in the E-A-T metric. That means that the query needs to be understood and answered by the best practice for recovery or prevention diagnosis. The medical industry is usually more comprehensive with its data because they share information worldwide. 

Google Algorithm cannot accurately measure the accuracy of the information, so they usually need references on other pages to verify facts from misinformation. However, it can have a more straightforward metric for measuring privacy and security. Hence, SEO also needs to be wary of a website’s structure. This is true for all websites, especially the online casino industry, where real cash circulates daily.

Google Algorithm can continue to evolve over time. It started as a simple rudimentary search engine to look for keywords, and now it’s able to discern between low- and high-quality pages. Google has recently started developing artificial intelligence (AI) to help communicate with users by providing a more natural conversation rather than simply showing links. This is going to be a huge step up from machine learning which helped the algorithm for years.


Google Algorithm is a complex tool for marketing, but you cannot maximise its full potential without understanding its features. Hence, the top recommendation is to work with webmasters and SEO professionals like QWERTYLABS. We can help with the implementation of a reliable link-building strategy to give your brand a strong online presence and high authority in the online casino industry. 

You can request links to certain pages on an article or blog to promote your casino’s pages. It will be done with high quality because Google Search Algorithm explained is only one of QWERTYLABS’ specialities. Contact us now so we can work together for the future of your online casino business. 


The answer to the question ‘what is the Google Search Algorithm?’ is a complex matter to tackle. It’s better to know about its tinier parts to understand the concept as a whole fully. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic:

How often does the Google Algorithm update?

Google makes minor changes to the algorithm several times a year. These are missable details that are only meant to polish the current system. Major changes called the ‘Google Core Updates’ happen once a year, bringing fundamental changes to how the search engine works. 

How can I monitor my website's performance in Google search results?

Several tools can help you track website performance. The top two are Google Analytics for evaluating website traffic and Google Search Console for tracking search queries. You can track your SERP rankings through SEO tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs. 

What is the impact of the Google Algorithm on SEO?

SEO helps websites become visible to their target audiences primarily for free, all thanks to the Google Algorithm. This mathematical equation accurately scores and ranks every piece of content uploaded and encourages pages built with professionalism and care. If it weren’t for Google Algorithm, search results would only show pages that used black hat SEO instead of ones with high quality. 

How can I optimise my website for the Google Algorithm?

Know your target audience, research keywords that they used, and build high-quality content using those words or phrases. Improve the navigation quality of your blog to score high in on-page SEO and expand your online presence by making high-quality backlinks and leveraging social media. 

What should I do if my website is affected by a Google Algorithm update?

Being negatively affected by Google updates means your page is old or contains outdated information. The only way to get a high SEO score is to update the information or replace its contents with similar but updated details. Adding new content to your website helps maintain it, but a simple new backlink on a new page is enough to do the trick.


[PART 4] AI ChatGPT Series: Uploading weekly blogs

Content generation is one of ChatGPT’s most notable features. Ask it to generate content for a topic, and it will instantly create a structured article in seconds. It can even alter the content’s tone, style, etc., based on given criteria. ChatGPT can do all this because it's trained with 570GB of online information gathered until 2021. 

In the next part of our AI ChatGPT project, our team at QWERTYLABS puts this feature to the test by using ChatGPT to generate all blogs in sportsbookbacklinks.com. We want to see if ChatGPT can generate content that Google can index, crawl, and rank. Find out more about it as you read on below. Additionally, you can also check out other blogs on our ChatGPT Series:

How we used ChatGPT to generate content for our blogs

We approached the content creation process in two methods. In the first approach, we simply provided ChatGPT with a topic and guidelines and let it generate the content. We uploaded these blogs as is, without editing or adding any information. This is important so we can see if ChatGPT can create valuable content all on its own.

In our second approach, we requested an outline of the content and asked for separate blogs on each talking point. Afterwards, we combined these sections into one comprehensive and overarching blog and edited out any redundant content. 

By comparing the results of the two methods, we’ll determine the best and most effective way to use ChatGPT in content creation.


Creating a content plan for sportsbookbacklinks.com's blogs 

To start, we requested a six-week content schedule from ChatGPT to cover the next month and a half. To do this, we gave it a comprehensive prompt that outlined our requirements, including our target keyword, ‘sportsbook backlinks’.

To summarise, here are the requirements we gave:

ChatGPT provided the following content plan, which we used as the basis for our blog page:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:


The first method of creating sportsbookbacklinks.com's blogs

  1. Generating the content for the first blog

Using previously acquired keywords, we began creating the content with the first topic on the content plan, ‘The ultimate guide to creating sportsbook backlinks’. Here’s the prompt we gave ChatGPT:

With our request, we got about 500 words of content and a short meta-description. This is shorter than our standard preference for content. We mostly publish long-form content for QWERTYLABS since longer blogs mean we can target a wider range of keywords and topics. Moreover, search engines love long blogs.

However, for this first method, we didn’t make any changes to the result:

  1. Adding the SEO image

Now that we have the necessary content, the next step is getting the on-page image to support it. 

During the design process of our AI ChatGPT project, we used the AI design tools Midjourney and BlueWillow to generate images. However, we thought these tools didn’t provide the images needed for the on-page content. That’s why we decided to switch and use the upcoming image generation tool Deep Dream Generator instead. 

To generate the image we needed, here’s the prompt we gave the image generator:

Our text prompt was ‘A robot following a trail with the word ‘ultimate guide’ in the trail going to a sportsbook site’. Here’s what we got from Deep Dream Generator:

As you can see, it didn’t give us our exact prompt, but it’s something similar enough. So, we uploaded the image alongside the blog. 

  1. Uploading it to the sportsbookbacklinks.com

Now that we have the content and images at hand, we uploaded them to the site by logging into WordPress and creating a new post.

  1. The results of the first process using ChatGPT

We used the same process above for the first and second-week blogs. After another week, we conducted a brief site audit to see how these blogs were faring thus far. To say the least, relying too much on ChatGPT to create all the content without editing them produced dismal results.

Google Search Console’s site analytics showed that only a few of these blogs were indexed. Out of the ten blogs we uploaded so far, not a single one had any impressions. This means the blog pages were not getting any traction on Google and were not attracting new visitors to the site.


The second method of creating sportsbookbacklinks.com's blogs

Our initial process using ChatGPT showed unsatisfying results. So, we analysed potential factors that affected it to determine how to adjust our method. We narrowed the poor performance to two possible causes: Google’s spam policy against AI-generated content and the content’s length. 

To fix this, we asked ChatGPT to create an outline for the next topic, enumerating six talking points. Then, we generated content for each talking point. This is to ensure ChatGPT fleshes out each talking point properly. We then combined all sections to create long-form content and edited out redundancies. 

But why go through the effort of patching together sections instead of simply requesting a 2,000-word article from ChatGPT? This is so we can get past Google’s spam policy by editing the content per section and giving it a bit of human touch.

See the step-by-step process of how we did all of this below: 

  1. Requesting an outline with 6 talking points

Following the initial content plan, the following blog for posting is ‘The most overlooked opportunities for sportsbook backlink building’. Instead of directly asking ChatGPT for content based on the specific topic, we changed our process by first asking for an outline with six talking points:

Not one to disappoint, ChatGPT provided us with six talking points, each with a summary of the information they should have.

  1. Generating the content using the outline

Using the six talking points as a guide, we requested prompts for each item individually to flesh out the content fully:

To start, we used the first talking point, ‘local sports website and blogs, ’ from the outline. Then, we requested content about overlooked opportunities for sportsbook backlink building:

After that, we requested content for the five remaining talking points using the same process. Here are a few more images to show our process:

  1. Generating the introduction and conclusion

After all the outline sections were done, we asked ChatGPT for an introduction and conclusion on the topic to finish the article:

As you can see, we didn’t request keywords from ChatGPT this time since there’s no way to be sure of ChatGPT’s criteria when choosing them or verify if the keywords have search volume. Instead, we focused on the blog’s E-A-T or Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, an essential factor in Google’s Quality Raters’ Guidelines.

  1. Checking the quality of the content

After we compiled and arranged the content according to the outline, we double-checked its quality. Upon reading the blog, although the information was specific to each section, the blog’s sentence and paragraph structures were repetitive. It favoured specific phrases that became redundant when combined into long-form content. Through editing, we could limit these phrases and repetitive structures to make the content read more naturally. 

We will use the second process for the following blogs and share its results in the next part of our AI ChatGPT series. Hopefully, it will show more satisfactory results on our next site audit.


The future of QWERTYLABS’ ChatGPT project

Regularly producing content is one of the critical ways a website can perform on search engines. In this article, you followed our process of generating content for sportsbookbacklinks.com with the help of ChatGPT. In the coming weeks, we hope our daily blogs will help the website's ranking and discoverability. Find out more about it when we conduct the site audit with ChatGPT and discover what areas of sportsbookbacklinks.com need improvement.

QWERTYLABS’ ChatGPT project is now in its fifth week, and it’s soon coming to an end. Make sure you don’t miss out and follow along as we tie up our project by visiting our blog page every week.


The ultimate guide to content marketing trends in 2023

In a landscape where online businesses are vying for attention on the internet, companies employ unique content marketing trends to improve their online presence. Nowadays, you can find unique approaches to selling their products and services to stand out. In this guide by QWERTYLABS, we’ll share content marketing trends that can change your business and help you learn the ever-shifting market. 

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that brands use to produce and distribute content for consumers to promote their products. The types of content can vary from writing articles, producing videos, creating illustrations and social media posts.

The goal of using content marketing is the following:

Brand websites, pages, links, and affiliate sites will commonly have content marketing for the brand while partnering with other websites to increase consumer views.

What are content marketing trends?

Trends are actions or styles many people look for, despite coming and going with the times. This is especially true in online casinos, where sites are keen on staying updated to keep up with consumer expectations and remain competitive. To fully gain from these benefits, advertising measures like better and seamless production are implemented alongside Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) efforts like ensuring that articles and websites have high rankings in search engines.

The result of all these efforts can be seen in benefits like building brand awareness, increasing web traffic, and attracting more consumers are only some reasons why brands have been paying more attention to this branch of marketing. When employed properly, content marketing allows your business to adapt to consumer behaviour and, in turn, use this to generate income. 

Why keeping up with content marketing trends is essential 

Improvement in the field of content marketing is an essential part because the market always changes. Here are some of the factors improved with updated content marketing trends:

It helps you stay relevant 

Keeping up to date with content marketing trends ensures you’re relevant in your market. This will help your audience stay engaged with your content. For example, adding elements such as short video clips in your casino guides will offer a fresh perspective to your readers. 

It gives you a competitive edge 

Thinking out of the box and offering something new to your audience helps you stand out. By staying updated with trends, you can incorporate things they don’t find elsewhere, putting your business in a better position than competitors.

A study by Microsoft shows that people's attention span has dropped by 8 seconds. This means that brands have 8 seconds less to either gain a new consumer or lose that consumer’s interest. That’s why when it comes to content creation, you have to offer something to give the audience more reason to engage with your page.


Top content marketing trends for 2023

The 2020s can be considered by many as the age of multimedia consumption, where people consume content from videos, streaming, and clips from social media apps like TikTok and Instagram. With the wide variety of content formats available, marketers, advertisers, and content creators from brands have to collect stats to attract other audiences better and engage current consumers. To keep on top of this and remain competitive, let’s look at some top trends in content marketing in 2023:

Video content marketing 

Social media has become a place where video content thrives, especially since the 2010s. The widespread adoption of the internet and social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok help solidify online video content creation as a necessity in marketing and advertising. Although not one of the latest content marketing trends, it’s still relatively new compared to writing and image forms of content marketing.

Through these videos and platforms, online personalities and brand ambassadors have a direct voice they can use to address and engage with customers. This results in many brands creating collaborations and sponsorships with different influencers and celebrities to capture their people’s attention and potentially convert them into customers. 

Interactive content marketing 

Interactive content marketing combines quizzes, polls, surveys, and games to form a two-way relationship with customers and potential clients. In addition, this type of content makes consumers feel like they’re a part of something bigger and gives them a sense of importance. As such, there’s been growing importance on customer retention, attention, and engagement.

Marketers need to tap into their creativity and resources when doing interactive content marketing because it needs to represent the brand well while also making an unforgettable, fun, and seamless customer engagement experience.

Some of the examples that marketing and advertising specialists use are:

  1. Gamification by using leaderboards, progress bars, and badges as a reward for interacting with a site or promotion.
  2. Integration of games and polls into social media posts.
  3. Addition of audio-centric content like podcasts and music streaming.

For example, if you have an online casino, you can integrate leaderboard games, fun quizzes and surveys to keep your players engaged. If you want more site engagement, this is one of the best content strategies you can do.

Content marketing personalisation 

The main goal of content marketing personalisation is to make buyers feel seen and heard by being relatable and understanding their experiences. You can do this by creating dynamic content.

Dynamic content refers to a website, email, or general part of a page tweaked according to a user’s preferences. An example of this is the recommendations you might get after browsing several clothing items or hobbyist items. The information needed for this can be acquired through context and user behaviour. 

Marketing personalisation tools have become so complex that product suggestions are more geared towards a user’s tastes as it keeps learning about the user. It then becomes more likely that the consumer will buy that product, which tells companies that demand for that product is growing. 

AI and content marketing 

Experts say the future of content marketing is AI due to its convenience, smart suggestions and speed. Using AI technology in collaboration with marketing tools opens many opportunities to improve efficiency, ease of use and response. Many see the integration of AI technology into this industry as one of the vital content marketing future trends today.

One of the AI implementations is the chatbots that consumers can see on a brand’s website. These chatbots have been fed facts about the brand and questions that buyers may ask. These bots can quickly and effectively address queries that users give them. In short, it can accommodate more customers.

Smart chatbots have been present for quite some time and have proven successful. Because of this, experts say that the next step for AI will become more advanced when tied with metaverse technology as it experiments with technologies like VR, animation and blockchain.

Creating a successful content marketing strategy

Creating a content strategy needs an open approach and an open mind. Conducting thorough research, cleanly processing the data, and planning based on solid information is the key to modern-day marketing. 

Those working in the marketing and advertising field make it sound simple, but the reality is that brainstorming a strategy alone is a challenging and extensive process. While there’s no definite recipe for integrating a content strategy, here are a few things to help you get started:

Setting goals and KPIs

To start your marketing strategy, you’ll need some guidelines. Good content marketing strategies need to have metrics and goals so that you can measure how well the targets were reached. 

KPIs can take many forms: sales volume, online and offline impressions, follower growth, and return on investments (ROI) milestones. Identifying your KPIs can also help you build a basis for what your brand or article needs to do to achieve business goals. Some of these goals include reaching a target market, differentiating yourself from the competition in the market, or building more authority on the subject.

Developing a content calendar

After establishing your goals for a project, a content calendar is needed. Content needs to be spaced out through a business timeline for a few reasons like engaging your audience, keeping a topic on track and helping build order within published content types. 

Developing a content calendar also allows marketing teams to collect information and valuable data to increase the prospect of best attracting consumers. These pieces of data are then given to creators like illustrators, writers, and animators to incorporate into their content. Additionally, having a content calendar allows you to allot a specific amount of time on how long you’ll spend on content creation. 

Identifying your target audience

Knowing who your target audience is to make a successful content strategy because it helps content creators know who they’re writing for, what style and tone to use and how best to approach a topic.

There are three essential steps to identifying your target audience, and these are the following:

  1. Recording data like demographics, preferences and market segmentation
  2. Collecting customer opinions and feedback
  3. Using all the collected data to build buyer personas.

Content distribution

After determining your content’s audience and when to publish it, all that’s left is finding out how to share it. 

Since everything is hyper-connected thanks to the internet, it’s not hard to have multiple distribution channels, albeit more competitive. With this in mind, businesses must produce web content for sharing on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For example, if you want to disseminate your casino content faster, you can use Instagram or Twitter to announce promotions or important events. 

Tips for creating high-quality content

Written content for digital marketing is simple at first glance because so many types are available online. However, when it comes to professionally written and branded content, writing techniques like proper structure and good use of grammar need to be polished so that the right information, tone, and voice are carried through to the reader. 

Learning and building expertise about the core information of a brand is needed by writers to write about the topic properly, but that’s only the beginning. Here are some of the tips you can try for high-quality content:

Understanding what your audience needs

Your target audiences will have various reasons for wanting to learn and interact with a brand. This could be with the intention of buying, doing market research, or simply learning out of curiosity. Because there are many reasons, it’s essential to understand what your specific audience needs and wants out of your business.

Brands with an existing customer base can analyse their characteristics and significant traits as a reference point. If not, conducting surveys and polls can help build a basis. 

We’ve previously mentioned buyer personas when discussing identifying the target audience. Defining buyer personas can help discover user intent because there’s already an image and understanding of this group of customers. For example, an older buyer persona will be more responsive to buying health products and marketing strategies aimed towards their mobility and comfort.

Optimising content for search engines 

Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines have become more complex over the past decade. This is due to more complex user searches and the sheer number of websites, articles, social media platforms, and business pages being published daily. Using SEO and content marketing trends together helps your articles and pages rank higher in search engines, meaning more visibility, page clicks, and potential customers.

It’s important to optimise, organise, and improve your content through search engine optimisation (SEO) to stand out from the many brands that also use search engines. Here are a few steps to help you get started:

  1. Brainstorm a topic that you or the brand would like to discuss
  2. Use keyword research tools like Semrush and Ahrefs to find words and phrases linked to your topic of choice.
  3. Make a structure of pillar pages, which are the core parts of the page and cover topic clusters associated with the main topic.
  4. Create content with the chosen keywords and topics 
  5. Become consistent with the flow of content by using a content calendar
  6. Track the progress of the pages using KPIs like page traffic, organic search results, viewer impressions, and viewer count.
  7. Adjust your methods, content, and research according to the latest review results.

Creating visually appealing content 

Creating visually appealing content requires skilled content creators, advertisers, and marketing specialists to work together. All these departments need to collaborate because marketers will know what image the brand would like to have, while content creators and advertisers can help produce this and ensure its quality. 

Content creators like graphic designers, photographers, and video editors are some of the most common specialists you’ll find using multimedia elements like images, audio, and videos to make visual content for brands.

Another way to make visually appealing content is through researching user-generated content (USG), which refers to product reviews, hobby blogs, and social media posts from people outside the brand. 

Social media influencers on visual-based platforms like Instagram are a particularly good way to create USG, as they create posts that balance product placement, aesthetics and audience engagement. 

Writing high-quality copy 

Producing high-quality content is one of the best content marketing strategies you can do. It’s important to distinguish that the tone and style of writing online can differ from offline writing because of the differences in target markets. Despite this, writing good content has rules like avoiding controversial language, ensuring high readability and accessibility and presenting information with quality research relevant to the brand and user’s interest.

Knowing that various articles will help keep readers interested is also significant. Individual articles are excellent as stand-alone pieces and can be used to open new topics or gauge interest from readers. Meanwhile, a series of articles, like how-to’s and guides, can go in-depth and help add more context for readers and keep them on the page.

Choose QWERTYLABS for all your content marketing solutions

With an ever-shifting industry, staying updated with the latest marketing trends is critical. Making high-quality content like articles, blogs, and videos takes multiple departments, specialists, tools, and time. In addition, solid insight, research, and attention to trends are crucial to keeping up with industry standards and business competitors. 

Suppose you’re looking for unique concepts and actionable recommendations for your business. In that case, it’s best to have a team of professionals like QWERTYLABS ready to undertake this challenging but rewarding task. Get in touch with us today and talk about how your brand can become more than a trend follower but a trendsetter.

Content marketing trends FAQs

Why is content marketing essential for businesses?

Content marketing is significant for many reasons, mainly because it builds trust and engagement with buyers, informs them about your products and services, and builds authority within the industry.

How can I stay up-to-date with content marketing trends?

Thorough insight and analysis from teams like research and development, marketing, advertising, and content help businesses stay ready, adaptable, and knowledgeable about content marketing trends.

What are the best practices for creating high-quality content?

The best practices for creating high-quality content include knowing your audience, conducting thorough research, and applying good writing techniques.

How do I measure the effectiveness of my content marketing efforts?

Setting key performance indicators (KPIs) before making a content marketing plan can help bring direction and metrics to the type of strategy you want to implement.


How AI can improve your website: The complete guide

With businesses expanding to meet a competitive market's demand, different companies are slowly adopting artificial intelligence to keep up. You can have AI solutions that can do computations, scale designs, and articles that mimic human intelligence. 

This is one of the innovations changed the game when it comes to website improvement and learning codes to make your page adaptive and efficient. If you’re curious, read this guide and find out how AI can help expand your casino business at QWERTYLABS.

What is AI-based web development?

Also known as a Web Application Programming Interface, this assists in making web development more manageable and accessible. Software based on AI in web development was made, so marketers can use hands-on tools that simplify the process. This programming language enables developers to integrate complicated codes without the hassle. Instead of doing the long process, AI web developments such as Python or JavaScript do all the heavy lifting.

Some of the ways that make the process of developing a website easier are that it can conduct analysis on other sites and their web content. It can also search for website traffic, process a query, and provide good solutions. 

As such, the development of AI-based web development is seen by many companies as a business opportunity, especially in improving online casinos’ customer service. For example, AI solutions such as ChatGPT provides thorough assistance and mimics human responsiveness, which can help casino players with their inquiries. However, it’s ideal to learn the risks and benefits of using this type of AI before fully integrating it to your business. 

Using AI in Web Development

The use of AI in web development has become a trend because of how effective and useful it is for brand growth. Test cases for AI in this field have shown that automation of coding scripts, keyword research, and smart chatbots are only some innovations we can apply for website and SEO development. 

These advancements are just the beginning, as the technology is still in its early stages of development. Some AI experts say that more advanced AI in web development can progress to create things like enhanced outlines for content creators to have an early point of reference, better main and secondary keywords for readers and faster proofreading.

AI improvements for websites

Good websites are difficult to make since they require advanced coding skills and maintenance. In addition to the basics needed, maintaining your site is vital to keep security and software codes in check. With this, competition is becoming more difficult, and reliance on technology will be needed to keep up with the market. Manually doing everything takes a toll on business and won’t be sustainable.

The use of AI in making and maintaining websites brings ease because its advanced learning can do basic check codes and fix anything wrong with the software. Additionally, creators can give specific prompts multiple times so that the AI can learn what the content creators want and get closer to a better result. Additionally, AI can do enhancements by conducting performance testing to anticipate system failures and create a model more appropriate for the system's behaviour.


Why artificial intelligence is important for web development

We have established that using AI in web development refers to parts of a website with which users and coders interact. Aspects like updates, performance speed, user experience, customer actions, and more need to be considered for web development.

In a larger sense, with the growth of internet users, web development has grown in importance and had to evolve to be more dynamic over the last two decades to be better. This means that more things like search optimisation, personalised content for queries, and customer behaviour were checked, recorded, and fed to artificial intelligence to create a software database they can use better to tweak their services and products to their target audience. As AI-based web development grows, even more competition online is expected, which means AI programs will have to become much smarter at a faster pace while consistently providing quality output compared to other algorithms.

AI website improvements

AI-based developments offer a variety of solutions to make websites more efficient and adaptive. Some key trends that many are already seeing and continue to expect are artificial intelligence improvements, on-site optimisation, user experience and better security on the web. Here are some of the improvements AI can make to your casino site:

Using AI to improve web security

Because the web and online spaces have been a hub for people to connect, there are more instances every year where risks have appeared. In response, developers have safeguarded sites by installing preventative and security features to keep websites and companies safe and secure. 

There are many ways to attack a site, especially with the growing number of hackers and scammers looking for prey online. To combat this, here are some ways wherein AI can improve web safety:

AI in customer support

Customer support is one of the most powerful features you can improve using digital marketing. Usually, competitive customer service departments provide quick responses to their needs and queries while building a relationship with customers. Good customer support means that people are listened to, understood, and given solutions to their problems attentively.

Knowing all this, AI in customer support needs a lot of data like information on the goods and services, business model, Know-Your-Customer (KYC) protocols, and processes to answer the query while having a pleasing and welcoming attitude to ensure customer satisfaction.

Some of the aspects of customer support include:

Artificial Intelligence in SEO

SEO is one of the key ways to get your brand noticed online and works by ensuring that keywords that customers search are given with articles that will answer their questions. Over time, search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing have become more advanced to give users better search results. This advancement requires brands and content creators to constantly provide web content with high keyword optimisation and relevance levels. So to remain competitive, brands have started to lean more on AI as a solution to the ever-competitive SEO space.

Using AI for SEO

In more detail, content goes through an algorithm of ranking processes from search engines to determine how high it will show in result pages. Getting a higher result page for brands is excellent because it means better discoverability, visibility, and, thus, web traffic on their site and company.

Using AI for SEO processes can help content rank higher and helps provide a competitive advantage by building more relatable content for users. Here are a few ways that SEO can be improved with the help of AI:

  1. As one of the content optimisation tools that brands use, AI can help SEO by sifting through keywords that will help creators make better content that fits user intent.
  2. Content will be filled with more accurate knowledge to answer a user’s queries as it collects, stores, and learns from other articles, users, and relevant information.
  3. Web pages can better suit the user audience and uphold a better shape of the brand’s intended marketing vision. Since AI is highly automated, hiring developers to create software codes can be eliminated, which benefits finances and time.

AI in Web Design

Web design is a highly subjective but critical part of a brand’s image, reputation, and marketing, contributing to its industry authority. Good web design is enhanced when crossed with AI functions because it can help designers create more appealing website designs, intuitive user interfaces, and more engaging user experiences. These benefits for a customer must also be balanced by showing the brand’s product and services and displaying the benefits that a company can give its consumers.

Web design requires a few things that AI can help with, such as:

Grow with the industry using AI

AI for websites can have many benefits, especially when creators are in a slump and face difficulty writing blogs and design challenges they may not have a reference for. This is especially helpful for people new to the business and seeking ways to maximise their time and finances.

Learning about AI and what it can do is a recommendation  that we’d highly recommend because it can affect so many aspects of a business. If brands want to stay competitive in the present and the future, they must learn how to adapt and use AI to get insights through case analysis and research.

Of course, AI can be an intimidating subject. Still, many believe that this technology, in partnership with human intervention, can lead to many benefits and great outcomes for people and brands. Contact us today at QWERTYLABS as we utilise highly functional AI solutions to help you and your casino business flourish in this competitive market.


What are the benefits of using AI to improve user experience on a website?

There are many benefits that AI can have to a user’s experience website, like faster loading times, better user interactivity, and better safety and security on the net.

How can website owners implement AI into their existing websites?

One of the most common applications of AI in a website is chat support bots that can analyse questions and reply with information that users need.

What are some best practices for implementing AI in website design?

A key thing to remember and practice when working with AI in website design is balancing human creativity and judgement with AI’s efficiency and information. 

Can AI help with website personalisation and customisation?

Yes. AI can help with that by analysing different pre-existing websites and data to give you information like designs that are less commonly used. 


[PART 3] AI ChatGPT Series: Writing SEO pages

In the previous part of our AI ChatGPT Series, we created a sitemap for our AI-made site, sportsbookbacklinks.com, with SEO pages like ‘sportsbook marketing’, 'sportsbook analysis’ and ‘sportsbook content marketing’. Now, we need content to fill these pages and to do that, we need keywords. 

For the third part of our AI project, we asked ChatGPT for keywords and content for each page. Let’s see if they’re up to standards and if ChatGPT checks all the boxes in creating content required for an optimised site.

Follow along with our experiment here at QWERTYLABS as we further develop sportsbookbacklinks.com’s pages. Know more about it when you read our other blogs below:

Generating the SEO keywords for sportsbookbacklinks.com’s pages

To create the content for sportsbookbacklinks.com’s SEO pages, first, we needed the right keywords and an outline. Here’s how we got it done in ChatGPT:

  1. Requesting the keywords for the site’s pages

In QWERTYLABS’ usual SEO process, we conduct SEO keyword research before creating the content using tools such as Ahrefs and Semrush. We gather the best keywords by checking the keyword density, keyword difficulty, search volume, competition, and more.

However, in this experiment, we’ll let ChatGPT handle the entire keyword research process in this experiment. To start, we asked ChatGPT to generate long-tail keywords for the homepage based on the sitemap it gave us from the second part of the project. For reference, here’s the brief ChatGPT gave us for the homepage previously:

  1. Homepage

Here are the long-tail keywords it provided us based on the brief:

As you can see from the image above, the long-tail keywords ChatGPT gave us are: 

ChatGPT chose these keywords because they focused on the website's core themes, such as the importance of backlinks for sportsbooks and the different strategies for building successful backlinks. These keywords can improve the site’s search engine visibility and appeal to the target audience. 

  1. Requesting SEO keywords for the different pages

Aside from getting SEO keywords for the homepage, we also asked ChatGPT to provide us with keywords for the site’s other pages. As an example, ChatGPT gave us the following keywords for the page ‘Backlink Building Strategies’:

Like the keywords on the homepage, you’ll also find some on the Backlink Building Strategies pages. We repeated the process with the rest of the pages.


Generating the SEO content for sportsbookbacklinks.com pages

After we got the page’s SEO keywords, we created the content for the pages using ChatGPT. Here’s how we did it:

  1. Adding the AIPRM for the ChatGPT Chrome extension

ChatGPT can adjust the content’s tone, writing style, and delivery upon request. For the sportsbookbacklinks.com brand, we wanted authoritative content that was also expository. We installed the browser extension AIPRM for ChatGPT, where we could select our desired tone and style, and the AI chatbot could automatically generate content.

Once we added the extension to the browser, here’s how the ChatGPT screen looked:

As you can see, you can use various community-made prompts to improve the quality of ChatGPT’s content. We wanted to simplify our content and change the tone and writing style. We used ‘authoritative’ for the tone and ‘expository’ for the writing style. 

  1. Using ChatGPT to create the homepage

Finally, we asked ChatGPT to create the homepage content for us. We did this by providing the chatbot with the following information:

In the copy it gave us, you can see that ChatGPT incorporated the keywords included in the brief. See a portion of the homepage copy ChatGPT provided:

  1. Adding the FAQ section

To complete the homepage, we added an FAQ section so new visitors can find all the info they need about sportsbook backlinks.com. For this, we also asked ChatGPT to provide us with the most common questions for sportsbookbacklinks.com and the corresponding answers. 

Here’s what our FAQ section looks like, which you can find by scrolling to the bottom of the sportsbookbacklinks.com’s homepage:

  1. Generating content for the other pages

After building the homepage, we moved on to the other pages on the sitemap. Using the same prompt style, we asked ChatGPT to provide us with content for the pages. As an example, here’s how we generated content for the Sportsbook Backlinks page using ChatGPT:

ChatGPT provided a decent copy that included the necessary pages, like the homepage. See the copy for the Sportsbook Backlinks page below:

In conclusion, when it comes to a basic SEO copy, ChatGPT can produce acceptable content that is within certain criteria. This undoubtedly simplified the content creation process to just a matter of minutes. However, keep in mind that AI language learning models such as ChatGPT gather their information from a massive library of content across the internet but nowhere else. This means that it can only produce content about a topic, angle or discussion that has already been written and published online. It cannot go beyond this to create its research, study or content from first-hand experience. 

  1. Adding a meta description

The final piece of content missing that will complete the on-page SEO process is the meta description. We also requested the meta-description from ChatGPT, specifying the maximum word count, so it doesn’t exceed the recommended word count for meta-descriptions. Here’s an example:

  1. Inputting the content on the pages

After getting all the necessary content for the pages from ChatGPT, we went to work and added each to sportsbookbacklinks.com. To make the pages look more dynamic and engaging, we added some of the graphics we got from Midjourney during the design process of our ChatGPT project.


What’s next in the QWERTYLABS ChatGPT series?

We’ve entered the third week of our ChatGPT project, and sportsbookbacklinks.com looks like a completely functioning website. However, the site is still in its early stages, with more to come. Here’s what’s in store for sportsbooklinks.com and our ChatGPT AI project in the next few weeks:

We can’t wait to continue to the next part of our study and discover more about ChatGPT’s capabilities through our sportsbookbacklinks.com project. Be sure to visit QWERTYLABS weekly to stay updated with our AI project’s progress.


The complete on-page SEO guide that works in 2023

Creating content for your webpage is easy. What’s hard is creating content that Google and searchers want to see. On-page SEO is a process to optimise your web content to get more website traffic and rank higher on search engines. When done correctly, it brings visitors and customers to your website. 

That’s why it’s important to know how on-page SEO works and how to optimise your website. Who doesn’t want to rank number 1 on search engines and get higher web page visitors? If you want to learn how to do on-page SEO, keep reading. This complete on-page SEO guide will help you rank higher and get more traffic, even if you are a beginner. 

What is on-page SEO? 

On-page SEO, also known as on-site SEO, optimises a site's different front-end and back-end components to rank higher in search engines and attract more site visitors. These components include web content, title tags, meta description and more. 

The goal of on-page optimisation is to assist Google and searchers in better understanding and digesting your content. In effect, your page will rank higher on SERPs, entice searchers to click and make visitors dwell longer on your site. You should update your website and match high-quality content with optimised on-page SEO.

Why is on-page SEO important? 

On-page SEO tells search engines like Google what your page contains and if it provides value to searchers. These are essential factors Google uses to determine whether a page matches a user's search intent. If your page is relevant and optimised, you rank higher on SERP, which means getting more clicks and visitors. That’s why it’s insufficient to create valuable content matching user intent. You must also optimise your on-page components to benefit your page’s discoverability and visibility on search engines and create organic traffic. In other words, you can convert casino leads to sales when prioritising both on-page optimisation and high-quality content creation. Plus, you’ll have higher authority as a Google-acknowledged site with high-ranking pages.

On-page SEO vs Off-page SEO: What’s the difference? 

Off-page and on-page SEO are vital components Google considers when crawling, indexing and ranking your website. The difference between them is the area that needs to be optimised. Off-page SEO includes factors you can optimise outside your site to improve its ranking. This mainly includes building backlinks to establish web authority.

In comparison, on-page SEO is anything you can do internally on your webpage to raise your rankings. This includes using keywords, adding external links, writing relevant meta-descriptions and putting the title and heading tags to create a hierarchy. When optimised, all these factors help Google acknowledge your page’s relevance and rank you in SERP.

Seo traffic analysis, Successful seo campaign, Onpage and off Page SEO, flat design vector conceptual illustration on light background

On-page SEO guide: How to improve on-page SEO in 12 steps 

This optimisation process is not just about adding keywords to your web pages; it’s more than that. Google considers various factors when determining what a website is about and how it should be ranked. Because of this, you need strategies that ensure these elements will interact in ways that work for both users and search engines. 

Here are the basic techniques you can do to optimise your on-page SEO and maintain your competitive edge:

  1. Do keyword research

One of the essential steps to SEO optimisation is creating high-quality content that matches the user's search intent. To do this, you must first conduct keyword research about your topic to know the relevant topics searchers look for. Only then can you write high-quality content using these keywords that Google will use when indexing your site.

This step might look like a daunting task, but it can be easy with the help of top SEO tools like Semrush. You can do keyword research and analysis here to get useful insight into the queries your target audience searches for on Google. Afterwards, you can write your content and use different KWs related to your topic and their variations. This will help your content rank higher on search engines.

How to conduct keyword research

One of the best keyword research tools is Semrush Magic Tool. To use it, enter the topic in the section provided and click the ‘Search’ button. Then, you’ll get a list of KWs related to your topic, sorted by the search volume. The example provided shows that ‘on-page SEO’ has a high search volume or user intent, meaning it is useful to target. But your decision in using a KW should also be based on the keyword difficulty (KD). The higher the KD score, the more difficult it is to rank with it.

Now that you know which KWs to use, you can avoid keyword stuffing or using the same keywords multiple times throughout the content. Otherwise, it will sound unnatural, which won’t be helpful to searchers and appealing to search engines. Keyword stuffing is no longer a ranking factor, but avoiding it ensures that your content is friendlier for both Google and readers, making it an essential part of SEO. To summarise, it’s best to keep a low KW density and use keywords only when relevant to the content.

Tools for keyword research

Here are other keyword research tools that you can use besides Semrush Keyword Magic Tool:

  1. Optimise title tags

Title tags are part of the HTML code that shows your page's title and appears in each webpage's head section. It’s what searchers usually see on search engine results pages (SERPs) as a clickable link. It’s one of Google’s ranking factors you can tweak to convince searchers to click on your page. If your target market reads the blue link in the SERP and finds it answers their query, they will likely click. That’s why the contents of your title tag can make or break a searcher's decision to click through to your site. You will lose valuable web traffic if your title tag isn’t click-worthy. Thus, it’s best to optimise your titles. 

How to optimise title tags

Here are ways to optimise your title tags:

Examples of optimised title tags

To help you further, here are examples of optimised title tags.

The example above has 34 characters or 292px and shows what the page is about: 5 tips for writing engaging content.

The example above has 42 characters or 292px, showing that the page is about building a website through WordPress.

  1. Write engaging meta descriptions

Just like the title tag, the meta description is an HTML element. It informs users and search engines with a relevant summary of the topic or page. You can see this metadata below the URL and title page on the search engine results page. The URL, title tags and meta descriptions are called the search snippet.

Even though meta description isn’t a ranking factor, it is still an important on-page SEO factor since it can influence your page's click-through rate (CTR). This metric tells the number of clicks your link gets on the SERP and affects the rank of your page. More clicks mean more visitors, which makes your site more competitive and authoritative.


How to optimise meta descriptions

Here are ways to optimise your meta descriptions: 

Example of optimised meta descriptions

To help you further, here are examples of optimised meta descriptions:

In this example, you can see that it includes a call to action ‘here’ to entice users to click right away and find out how to write meta descriptions. It also includes the references used, namely Google and official HTML specifications, to establish authority and legitimacy. Lastly, it fits the length requirement, so no information is cut off from the snippet.

Here’s another example summarising the article’s topic and including a call to action.

  1. Optimise header tags

The header tag in your content introduces the sections below them. These headings and subheadings separate the body of your page into sections and detail what each one is about. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your page. It's arranged by importance with heading 1 (H1) for the title, heading 2 (H2) for section titles, and until H6.

Even though header tags aren’t confirmed ranking factors, you still need to use them to organise your blog post. They help users browse your page and get a preview of your overall content. If they're looking for specific info on your page, they can quickly scroll through, find that section and go to it directly. 

On the other hand, Google’s search algorithm can easily crawl your page thanks to the context and hierarchy heading tags provide. This results in a more readable, accessible and user-friendly page.

How to optimise header tags?

To optimise header tags, know first where you can use different headings. You can customise them depending on your content.

Here are ways to optimise your meta descriptions:

Example of optimised header tags

Here’s an example of using header tags in a content page for structure and easy browsing. The title is in H1, and the first section title is in H2, which is further divided into subsections with H3 titles.

  1. Create optimised content

This is the most important on-page SEO step you should remember––write high-quality content that matches user intent. Writing web content goes beyond just using your target keywords. Optimising your content ensures it ranks and reaches a larger audience. It includes using targeted keywords, writing the right length and emphasising readability in all content. 

The more optimised your content is, the higher its page’s rank. That’s why writing engaging content for your target audience is a must. Doing so increases user engagement, a key factor search engines monitor to determine if your content benefits searchers. 

One metric Google considers is dwell time, or how long a visitor spends on a page. If your target audience finds what they’re looking for in your content, they’ll stay longer on your page. The longer the dwell time, the higher your chances of converting web traffic to leads and sales.

How to optimise content

Here are ways to have optimised and high-quality content:

Example of optimised content

One example of optimised content is the blog ‘The website QA checklist your casino needs in 2023’ by QWERTYlabs. It uses related keywords, such as the QA process, to match the search intent of the target keyword and has a Flesch score of 53.2%, which is respectable for a technical article. This page has a word count of over 2,500 words and has internal linking for better crawlability. It is authentic and helpful content for users searching about the ‘website QA process’ for casinos.

  1. Include and optimise your images

Including visual elements like images or videos in your content can add value to your web page. And as with the rest of its visible components, they also have to be optimised. When optimising images, you need to follow a specific format, include alt attributes and use descriptive file names, which can help Google know your image. All these steps make your content easier to read and more accessible to users with special conditions. With this data, search bots can also crawl and index your page more accurately. In effect, this improves your content’s user engagement, rankings and visibility in Google.

How to optimise images

Here are techniques to have an optimised image:

Example of optimised images

Here’s an example of an optimised image with descriptive alt text.

Images from Image SEO

As you can see, the alt text includes a description of the image which bots can understand. This is the text screen readers read aloud, so visually-challenged users can still easily access it. If the file cannot load, this text will appear on the page instead to still give context.

  1. Create an SEO-friendly URL

URLs were once a ranking factor, but this doesn’t mean they’re irrelevant. They’re still part of your web page’s overall score. To optimise it, Google recommends using a simple URL with your domain name and target keywords in the URL slug to entice users and increase web traffic. Doing so also makes your web pages easily identifiable and shows that your site is trustworthy. 

You also need to add canonical versions of URLs in your sitemap. A canonical tag, also referred to as ‘rel canonical,’ is a tag that tells search engines that a master copy of the page exists. Search engines use these canonical tags to index the correct URL and avoid duplicate content.​​

How to optimise URL structure

Here are ways to optimise your site’s URL:

Example of optimised URL structure


Here’s an example of an optimised URL structure: https://qwertylabs.io/blog/complete-qa-checklist-for-casinos/. It starts with HTTPS, followed by the domain name, category and a URL slug with the main keyword. It’s short, brief and not truncated.

  1. Add internal links

An internal link is a hyperlink that points to other helpful pages on your site. These are a valuable part of on-page SEO that helps search engines understand how pages are related so they can index your site better. This means you can improve your website's crawlability, user experience and chances of ranking higher in SERPs by optimising how you link to and from your pages.

The way you link your pages also shows which is your canonical page. Consistent internal linking makes finding the canonical URL easier for search engines. That’s why consistency between the canonical tags and the internal linking should exist.

How to optimise internal linking

Here’s how to optimise link building:

Example of optimised internal linking

Here’s a snippet of a blog optimised with internal linking. All links are related to the content; the anchor texts reveal what you’ll find when you click them. Moreover, the site’s most important pages (services and contact us) are linked, emphasising hierarchy.

  1. Optimise user experience (UX)

User experience or UX refers to what users experience and how they feel while using your site. It’s influenced by how your web page works and factors such as layout, design, interface, text, sound etc. It’s a metric you can get through web analytics. 

Optimising UX makes your site navigable and more pleasing to the eyes. This improves the user experience of your visitors, which in turn, makes them inclined to stay longer on your page. When done correctly, quality user experience design ensures your site structure is optimised for better customer interactions. This eventually translates to a lower bounce rate and longer dwell time since it seamlessly delivers information. 

How to optimise UX

Here are tips to optimise the user experience of your web page:

Example of optimised UX

See the example of an optimised UX above. The text with sans serif font is spaced out for more effortless reading, while the varying font sizes make the content easier to skim. Moreover, the colours complement rather than contrast each other, making the colourful CTA banner stand out against the light grey background. It immediately gets your attention.

  1. Optimise for mobile devices

This is a process of optimising your web page to ensure it functions well and looks great on a mobile device. It involves using automated tools and testing the features and responsiveness of your site on different devices. This is important since 25% of users won’t visit your page if you don’t have a mobile-friendly site, according to statistics. So, if you have a mobile-friendly web page, you will have a positive perception from users. You’ll also be more accessible to a vast demographic of searchers.

How to optimise for mobile devices

Example of optimised mobile websites

Here’s an example of an optimised website for mobile devices. The banner is the same size, unstretched and uncropped, while the text is well aligned and spaced out, just like in the web version. No element disrupts the viewing experience.

  1. Optimise page speed

Page speed is the amount of time your page takes to load. The browser cache, image compression and page file size are some of the web factors that affect this. You can use web tracking tools to know the speed of your page. While it seems a small factor to consider, it influences your ranking, your page’s conversion rate, and the percentage of the total visitors. Moreover, studies have shown that you will have better conversions if you have a fast page speed. That’s why it’s crucial to optimise the speed of your site. 

How to optimise page speed

Example of optimised page speed

In this example, you’ll find the time it takes to load this page which is only milliseconds.

  1. Add schema markup

Schema markup is a technical language Google uses to understand the content on your pages. Using this turns your content into structured data, and lets search engines know what type of content you have. When Google understands your content, it can create rich snippets ​​or enhanced descriptions on SERPs that increase your web page's visibility and click-through rates. Moreover, adding schema markup feeds and enhances your brand’s knowledge panel, which is the block of information on the right side of SERPs. This quickly informs searchers about your brand and helps your website stand out from your SEO competitors.

The most common schema markups are LocalBusiness/Organisation, FAQs, Products and Breadcrumbs. Adding any of these makes your SERP snippet more informative and eye-catching.

How to implement schema markup

Example of optimised schema markup

Here’s an example of a snippet when you use schema markup. All related links are displayed below the main page, which helps viewers know more about your site.

On-Page SEO Checklist: What you need to do

As you know now from this on-page SEO guide, ranking high on SERPs requires more than just publishing content. It involves being meticulous with ranking factors and elements that affect your page’s overall performance. Knowing the on-page SEO best practices is only the start. Doing them comes next. If you want your web page to rank higher than your competitor, here’s the checklist of what you need to optimise:

  1. Keyword research
  2. Title tags
  3. Meta descriptions
  4. Header tags
  5. Content
  6. Image
  7. URL structure
  8. Internal linking
  9. User experience
  10. Mobile
  11. Page speed
  12. Schema markup

Reach rank 1 with the complete guide to on-page SEO by QWERTYlabs

Every web page’s goal is to rank higher, and you can do that by optimising on-page SEO features like title tags, meta descriptions, header tags and more. Consider the checklist above as a list of on-page SEO techniques and recommendations for improving your pages and generating more sales. If your page has a low rank, we at QWERTYLABS can optimise all these for you. Trust that you’ll see improvements with the services we provide. Contact us today, and let’s discuss how to optimise your brand.

On-page SEO FAQs

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO definition reveals it to be the process of optimising web pages to improve SERP rankings and generate more traffic to your website.

How can I track and measure the success of my on-page SEO efforts?

You can track the measure of your page’s success by using Google Analytics to check your metrics such as CTRs, organic traffic, keyword ranking, bounce rate and conversion rate, to name a few. You can also use other SEO tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs. 

How often should I update my on-page SEO strategy?

It is recommended to update your on-page SEO every quarter.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when doing on-page SEO?

One of the common mistakes in on-page SEO is trying to rank the wrong KWs. Using high search volume KWs doesn’t mean your content will rank higher. When choosing which keywords to use, consider the KW difficulty, aside from the search volume. Another common mistake is neglecting site speed. Pages with slow site speeds have higher bounce rates which are bad since the goal is to make visitors stay on your site long enough to purchase your service or product.

How can I keep up with the latest trends and updates in on-page SEO?

Be in the know with Google updates since it pioneers all the changes in SEO. You can also leave that part to QWERTYLABS to avoid the hassle. We’ll make sure your site follows the latest trends and is up to the current standards.


AI and SEO 2023: The future of content with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has grown in popularity in recent months, especially with the emergence of various AI tools like ChatGPT, Caffe, and PyTorch, which shows that AI is the future that inspires greater innovation. Learn more about it as you read this guide about the future of artificial intelligence and SEO and its impact on other industries here at QWERTYLABS.

The definition of AI

AI or artificial intelligence refers to human-made technological advancement used to perform specific tasks. Typically, it improves through machine learning and research, improving its knowledge and skills to the next level.

Importance of AI in shaping the future of SEO content and other industries

Since AI can learn and adapt, one of the benefits it brings to various industries is convenience and ease. Using the existing AI tools to generate written content and graphic design these tools can be an advantage to simplifying various processes and generating a good strategy to improve branding with just a few prompts.

Impact of artificial intelligence on SEO

When it comes to developing web content for marketing, it’s important to acknowledge the effect of SEO in providing relevant information within the content that boosts the site’s performance. These are only made better using AI tools focusing on data delivery efficiency and accuracy.


AI tools use advanced algorithms designed for search engine optimisation and help automate various SEO processes. By using these SEO AI tools, the visibility and rankings of a website can be identified. 

Introduction to SEO and its role in digital marketing

When it comes to digital marketing, one important factor that improves ranking is your website structure, which summarises the content of your website according to hierarchy. Though it’s useful in SEO, it should be supported by other SEO strategies, such as keywords, which are useful in connecting people’s queries in search engines to the content on your website. 

How AI will change the future of SEO

With the help of AI-powered SEO tools, you’ll cut down the time and effort required to conduct keyword research and SERP analysis in line with the latest trends. With AI-generated SEO tools, you can focus on developing helpful content that matches user intent to rank higher in search results. However, one of the risks of using AI with SEO is it may be inaccurate, especially if you’re using a less reputable tool. That’s why you should only use highly recommended tools, which you can determine by reading user reviews.

Benefits of AI in SEO

There are two big benefits to using an AI SEO tool when it comes to improving your business and branding, these are: 

  1. Efficiency

Using AI-based SEO tools, you won’t have to go through the tiring and repetitive keyword research and data analysis process. Since AI tools for SEO function with speed, you’ll get the results in no time.

  1. Accuracy

Artificial intelligence SEO tools gather and learn from data from the internet to customise their automated services. As such, well-developed tools can provide you with relevant results to use for your SEO strategy.

AI tools for SEO

You can use various SEO software to automate your optimisation process, including RankIQ, Frase, Surfer SEO, Outranking, and Jasper. Keep in mind that these tools offer different optimisation functions, so it’s essential to choose one based on the SEO needs of your platform.

Artificial intelligence in content marketing


Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to boost your brand. With the help of AI SEO content tools like the ChatGPT chatbot, your marketing campaign can be improved with better writing, optimisation, and overall content quality.

Overview of content marketing and its importance in digital marketing

Content marketing is the process of content creation for brand campaigns, social media posts, and even highlighting brand collaborations. However, this type of marketing must focus more on providing your audience with helpful content that helps solve their niche-related problems.

How artificial intelligence will change the future of content marketing

The process of content marketing is often difficult and time-consuming since it requires creating content that accurately helps your audience with what they need. With the help of AI, this process can be significantly improved in terms of targeting your audience, content planning, customisation, and events to generate content for promotions.

Benefits of generative AI in content marketing

The main purpose of content marketing is to boost brand awareness and increase lead conversion by providing relevant content. With the help of AI SEO content generation tools, you can develop content that has relevance to your audience to improve your site’s visibility and engagement.

Examples of AI-powered content marketing tools

AI for SEO content marketing provides various services depending on your needs. One such AI-powered tool is Grammarly, which is a writing and editing assistant that allows writers to edit their content to detect common grammatical mistakes. Aside from this, it also has a plagiarism checker which analyses written content to detect if it’s been copied from someone else’s work. Another good example is NeuronWriter which provides content plans and analytics. With this tool, you can get a thorough SERP and competitor analysis to help you in improving the content you provide your audience.

AI and other industries

Aside from combining AI and SEO strategies, AI tools have many uses for various communities and companies. Depending on the industry, it can offer services to answer a problem in that specific field.

Overview of AI’s impact on other industries


The finance sector can benefit from predictive analytics generated by AI tools. Through these advanced analytics, you can easily assess and reduce financial risks to make way for better opportunities. It can also detect malicious activities from the data imputed to prevent fraud or money laundering.


AI can offer various services in the healthcare industry in automating repetitive tasks, including medical record management, customer service assistance, symptom diagnosis and more. Of course, these tasks would still need human oversight, but it will provide a better process to help healthcare professionals with basic tasks.


When it comes to manufacturing, it’s important to be constantly aware of production rates, waste reduction, and even predictive maintenance. Using hardware with machine learning capabilities can track these aspects with minimal human oversight.


Various tools already help the education sector in several ways, including automated grading, advanced tutoring, personalised learning modes, and providing analytics to track student progress.


AI-powered tools have been developed in recent years, with self-driving vehicles on top of the list. However, other useful AI tools exist for the transportation sector, including traffic detection, traffic flow analysis, road monitoring, and traffic incident detection.


The business sector possibly has the most AI tools that benefit companies and brands. This includes recording and transcribing customer calls, graphic design generation for marketing, sales assistance, and data analysis.

SEO with AI

With the automation of SEO processes through AI SEO software, you can focus on building your business. For example, with SEO and content marketing tools powered by AI, you’ll have more time to conduct analysis on the data at hand for better decision-making that will help your business grow.

Potential challenges and risks of AI


As different industries conduct trials on incorporating AI tools in their business processes, many raise concerns over threats of job loss and ethics issues. Read on to know more about it:

Potential ethical concerns related to AI

The biggest area of concern with the latest AI tools that have become popular recently is the risk of data privacy and security. For example, when it comes to graphic design, some AI art tools are programmed to copy artists’ work, which is considered plagiarism. Though AI may generate original writing when creating content, it still lacks user experience and lack of authenticity since there’s no human knowledge in it. To avoid such complications, it’s important to conduct thorough research and avoid human bias when choosing the right AI tools. You’ll know you have the right tool if it helps your business grow.

How AI could affect job placement and the labour market

There’s no denying that the emergence of these AI tools provides a great business opportunity. With these automated tools that can adapt and imitate human skills, businesses can cut down on employees in exchange for AI services. As a result, labour markets might see a decrease in demand and lead to a higher unemployment rate in the sector.

Potential challenges in implementing AI solutions in various industries

Since AI relies heavily on data inputted to them, it’s possible that the demand for integrating it into various industries can prove harmful. This is due to insufficient or outdated data, irregular data computing, the cost requirements of maintenance, and unreliable AI systems that provide inaccurate results.

Should you integrate AI tools into your business?

AI tools are useful in minimising workload in various industries, especially with their machine learning capabilities such as pattern analysis and data forecast, and more. As such, it’s expected that AI adaptation in the market is set to grow in the coming years. Here at QWERTYLABS, we always want to be at the forefront of innovation, that’s why we’ve begun our study called the ChatGPT Series to know how we can incorporate AI tools into our existing business model, starting with designing a website.

AI to SEO in content marketing

The digital world is home to various innovations like AI tools created to automate various procedures. In content marketing alone, there are already several tools and bots that can be used for case analysis for better business planning.

The future of AI in marketing

Various industries are only just starting to integrate AI tools into their business models and we can expect more to come, especially in digital marketing. As such, humanity will have to adapt and learn how to incorporate these tools into their daily life. Having said that, not everyone will be accepting of these technological advancements, which will encourage more regulations that vary per country as people become more updated with these AI tools.

Final thoughts on the benefits and risks of AI

The adaptation of AI into different industries can have risky implications in terms of ethics, which makes the concern over broader AI adaptation warranted. However, it’s also important to acknowledge that these tools can be used to our advantage. When looking at the risks and benefits of using AI in content marketing alone, it’s easy to see that there are both positive and negative impacts. However, this highly depends on how you intend to use the tool. For example, using AI-generated content proves difficult at present since automated web content tends to lack authenticity when it comes to human language. However, this doesn’t mean they’re not useful. It is our recommendation that they are instead used as a guide for the improvement of your content.

Here at QWERTYLABS, we recognise that AI technology will only grow in the future and we’re determined to use it for the betterment of SEO and content marketing. Are you ready to see how we can boost your brand with the help of AI tools? Read our list of services and contact us to learn more. 


[PART 2] AI ChatGPT Series: Creating a website

ChatGPT can create content, generate SEO strategies and even write programming scripts in a snap. All these work theoretically, but will the outcome meet industry standards if applied practically and used to create a website? Today, we’ll put ChatGPT to the test to see if this trailblazing AI tool can build a website from the ground up.

In the first part of our ChatGPT series, we’ve established that ChatGPT, along with other AI tools, can aid in website design. In this second part, you’ll see how our team here at QWERTYLABS built sportsbookbacklinks.com from start to finish using AI ChatGPT. Let’s get started.

Creating the sitemap for sportsbookbacklinks.com

Building a website is no easy task, and that’s exactly why we want to see if ChatGPT can simplify the process. Here’s how we did it:

  1. Creating the sitemap 

One of the first things we did was create the sitemap for the site’s structure. This is a file in your site’s root HTML that details your site’s key information. It is one of the ways for a website to get indexed and start ranking on search engines like Google.

To start, we turned to ChatGPT to give us a 15-page sitemap:

As seen in the screenshot above, ChatGPT couldn’t create a comprehensive 15-page website sitemap due to its limitations as an AI language model. However, it guided us in creating a sitemap for a sports website by providing a sample structure. The sample sitemap was too focused on sports instead of sportsbook backlinks, so we changed our request to get more precise results. 

We emphasised the website’s focus on ‘building backlinks for sportsbooks’; this time, ChatGPT gave a more accurate website sitemap. The sample sitemap outlined the main sections and pages needed to create a sportsbooks backlinks-focused site. It covered various topics, including backlink-building strategies, tools and resources, sportsbook SEO, marketing, analysis, partnerships, and more.

The sample sitemap also included a detailed overview of what should be included on each page. See the 15-page sample sitemap made by ChatGPT below:

  1. Homepage
  1. About Us
  1. Sportsbook Backlinks
  1. Backlink Building Strategies
  1. Backlink Opportunities
  1. Backlink Tools and Resources
  1. Sportsbook SEO
  1. Sportsbook Marketing
  1. Sportsbook Analysis
  1. Sportsbook Partnerships
  1. Sportsbook Blogging
  1. Sportsbook Content Marketing
  1. Sportsbook Influencer Marketing
  1. Sportsbook Public Relations
  1. Contact Us

Creating the code for sportsbookbacklinks.com

  1. ChatGPT generates an HTML website code

With the sitemap in hand, we started with the first item on the list: the homepage. We wanted to see if ChatGPT can provide us with the HTML code to start the website. Here’s what we got:

The HTML code we got seemed promising, so we tested it using a platform for web developers called Replit. Using our test account, we inputted the HTML code ChatGPT provided to see how it would look.

As you can see on the left section of the image, the results were simplistic at best. However, we weren’t done yet. We also wanted to see if ChatGPT can create an HTML code responsive for mobile devices. To find out, we asked ChatGPT to change the HTML code with a focus on mobile responsiveness. 

Once again, we tested the HTML code on Replit and here’s the result:

  1. Customising the HTML

As you can see from the previous section, ChatGPT can only provide a simple HTML and CSS design. While it’s possible to keep revising our prompt and specifying more elements to get the desired results, it will take too long and ultimately be counter-productive.

This is why we decided to use the same theme as QWERTYLABS called Astra in WordPress to create the site. This is an easier alternative than producing a code through trial-and-error in ChatGPT since most web builders like WordPress already offer customisable themes.

After applying the theme to sportsbookbacklinks.com, we customised it according to ChatGPT’s website design guidelines from the first part of our experiment.

The final pages on sportsbookbacklinks.com

Once we’ve updated the Astra theme to match our desired results, the website finally looks how we wanted it to. In the pages, we followed ChatGPT’s design guidelines and included the AI robot art designs we generated before. 

Here are some of the pages you’ll find on the platform:


About Us

Backlink Resource

Sportsbook Content Marketing

Sportsbook SEO

Sportsbook Marketing


Sportsbook Analysis

Sportsbook Partnerships

Sportsbook Blogging



ChatGPT series: More to come with QWERTYLABS

Our month-long ChatGPT project is off to a great start now that we’ve built the sportsbookbacklinks.com as intended. As you can see throughout the article, ChatGPT was useful in simplifying the complex process of developing the website and sitemap. 

As we continue with the experiment, you can expect more insight into the following topics:

We’ve only just begun exploring the capabilities of ChatGPT, and there’s more to come as we continue developing sportsbookbacklinks.com. Want to discover what more we can accomplish with ChatGPT? Be sure to visit QWERTYLABS for weekly updates on our AI project’s progress.


The website QA checklist your casino needs in 2023

Giving a seamless user experience on your online casino can mean the difference between searchers staying and bouncing off it. That’s why going through a website QA process before launch is all the more critical. Fixing bugs before going live is a sure way of getting players and giving them a smooth user experience worth staying. This is a long process that includes multiple tests. Learn more about the quality assurance process for casinos and the ultimate checklist to tick off before launch here at QWERTYLABS.

What is a website quality assurance checklist for a casino?

The term 'quality assurance' shouldn’t be overlooked, especially when developing a website or a project. Website QA is a process where a website is put under a series of tests to see if it is ready to launch. It’s the last step in developing and designing a website to see if any errors must be corrected before it goes live. However, it’s not only conducted before launch. Website QA is regularly done to ensure the user experience remains consistent. It is also known as the criteria sheet or checklist for website testing, which contains a list of items you need to test and check. The test and techniques for online casinos include usability, functionality, compatibility, security, performance and content testing.

The importance of a web quality assurance checklist for a casino

Is it necessary to do a website quality check? Let’s compare it to content writing. We outline and draft the content when we write, then revise and edit everything to produce the best possible work. Editing 101 includes proofreading—editing a piece of work to ensure that it is free of errors and thoroughly checked. Without proofreading, errors may remain.

Website QA is similar to proofreading. With this method, you ensure your website meets the standard and is ready. For your online casino, you provide a high-quality gaming experience. Because of this, they’ll trust your website, and you’ll gain loyalty.

The benefits of a website QA checklist for casinos

Although online casino development QA costs money and takes extra effort, it prevents underdeveloped online casinos from being launched. That’s just one of its merits. Other long-term benefits of QA include the following:

Flat design concept, a programmer is securing the system

Scope of the website QA checklist

In testing online casinos, using test cases and checklists is a common practice. Some examples of test types in the checklist are the following:

Each test focuses on visuals, audio, rules, doubling, winning combinations and in-app purchases. Let’s dive into each one below:

  1. Usability testing

Doing usability testing for your online casino means looking for user feedback. It requires asking a few people to try or conduct specific tasks on your website and find out whether every function runs smoothly or if there’s a bug. Through this testing, you will find out if your website is user-friendly. Can beginners try your online casino? Can anyone navigate the website without the need for customer support? The best way to know is by having testers access your website. Then, you can work your way through ensuring that your answer to all these is yes.

Usability Testing Checklist for Casinos

In that case, here are what you should do in usability testing:

  1. Functionality Testing

Functionality testing is essential for all desktop, mobile and website testing. It allows you to check if all the online casino’s functions match their descriptions. Any detail that does not match what is specified in the specification must be reported. Thus, this QA testing includes checking the integrations with particular platforms and systems and game design documents, such as game audio, settings, etc.  

Functional testing compares expected results to actual results. If they don’t match, the QA team must continue to improve the website until it meets the required standard. As a result, this website QA testing is a crucial part that verifies and corrects software, identifies all major bugs and prepares the website for release to the public.

Functionality Testing Checklist for Casinos

The functionality website testing checklist includes answering the following questions:

Links and Navigation

Confirm the functional requirements below to ensure that there are no hidden broken links in the application:

Forms and Registration

Check that all forms work correctly by doing and checking the following:


Make sure all games are functioning properly by doing the following:

  1. Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing aims to evaluate if your website is compatible with different environments. Online users use different devices, OSs and web browsers to access websites. With this website QA testing, you ensure your website shows correctly and is accessible across multiple devices and platforms. 

Websites should have a consistent look across platforms, networks, browsers and OSs, which also applies to casinos. Whether it is on Windows, MacOS or mobile platforms, it should function so you can attract players using different devices. If you’re incompatible with a specific environment, you’re excluding players using that platform which is a wasted chance to get more players.

Compatibility Testing Checklist for Casinos

Do the following when doing compatibility testing:

Software testing IT software application testing, quality assurance, QA team, bug fixing, automation and manual, website and mobile flat design modern illustration
  1. Security Testing

Before a website, game or software is released, this type of testing should be done to see if there are any lapses in the entire security system, including hardware and network. To pass this quality assurance testing, a website must comply with legal network security requirements. Securing sensitive information, such as transactions and cash-in or cash-out details, protects players from cyberattacks. If anyone experiences any security issue on your site, it’ll negatively affect your reputation. But if you regularly check that your online casino is safe and secure, players can easily trust you. Thus, security testing is a must. 

Security Testing Checklist for Casinos

Here’s a list of what to check during security testing:

Authentication and Authorisation
Data Security
Payment Security
  1. Performance Testing

This testing procedure assesses the responsiveness and stability of a website and its applications. Performance testing ensures the web app loads quickly enough, is resilient to loads of different sizes and improves user experience. This type of testing has various processes, including capacity testing, smoke testing, workload, metrics, endurance testing and more. 

If you use successful strategies to increase casino website traffic and your site becomes loaded with many casino players, it should perform as efficiently as with low traffic. Otherwise, your potential players will leave and switch to another casino. That's why it's important to conduct performance testing and ensure your platform has the speed and capacity to handle high traffic. Know how to cope with this by learning the ins and outs of running high-traffic casino sites.

Performance Testing Checklist for Casinos

  1. Content Testing

Testing your content's usefulness to readers and consumers is a strategy known as content testing. You can use this test to determine whether your content resonates with readers, directly addresses their problems and provides sufficient context so users can complete tasks successfully. Content testing is divided into two parts, namely text content and visual content testing. Learn what the two are about below:

Various design elements visible to users, such as fonts and their sizes, colours and content, are tested during this phase. This ensures that your site is free of grammatical errors, unorganised elements and unclear visuals because otherwise, players may become suspicious of your brand. It might lead them to visit other sites instead. Thus, these minute details should be double-checked.

Content Testing Checklist for Casinos

Here’s a list of what you should do when conducting a content test:

  1. Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing can be considered part of usability testing since this QA procedure tests if your page is available to everyone, including those with disabilities. Doing this test ensures every searcher can access your website and expect an easy and seamless user experience.

For others, knowing what website accessibility is and why online casinos need it is too troublesome. But this is important if you want your online casino to cater for everyone. If a certain demographic cannot leverage your product’s features to their full potential because of disabilities, you won’t be able to reach out to them, so this QA testing should be a mandatory stage.

To make the user experience universal for all, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international community that sets global web standards, created a guideline for website accessibility. Check it out below:

Keyboard navigation plays an essential role in ensuring website accessibility. Because mice and trackpads demand finger control, users with motor difficulties may be unable to use them to interface with their computers. So, make sure a web app's keyboard navigation is simple. Follow universal keyboard navigation, such as pressing the up, down, left and right buttons to scroll in different directions. 

Accessibility Testing Checklist for Casinos

Considering the W3C guidelines, here’s a list of what you should do during this test:


Optimise your website for better SEO with QWERTYLABS

Going through all the mentioned stages is critical to solving your site’s issues and making it 100% ready for launch. Additionally, it ensures not only a seamless user experience but also optimised website performance and functionality. All these translate to better metrics: longer dwell times, more traffic and higher conversion rates. Thus, QA checking affects how you convert casino web traffic into leads and sales

That’s why we prioritise it here at QWERTYLABS. We know that website QA checking is necessary when building our customers' websites. Whether we're doing SEO link building, creating content or protecting brands, we ensure every step is double and triple-checked for your needs. Contact us today and see how we can get you optimised results.

Website QA Checklist FAQs

How often should a website QA checklist for a casino be conducted?

Do website QA once a month. By doing this, you'll be able to spot any important problems—like broken links or missing H1 tags—before they negatively impact the user experience or your SEO.

What happens if a website fails the QA checklist for a casino?

Failing QA can seriously affect your website’s reputation, leading to losing potential and loyal customers. If your users don’t get their expectations from your site, they can go to a different website that can fulfil those.

Can a website QA checklist for a casino be outsourced to a third-party company?

Yes, you can. Some third-party testing companies ensure that your sites are completed successfully in the shortest possible time. 

How long does conducting a website QA checklist for a casino take?

Website QA testing can take up to 2 to 3 hours, depending on the size of your casino.

Is a website QA checklist for a casino a one-time process, or must it be updated regularly?

Website QA should be done regularly to ensure any updates or changes made on the site do not negatively affect the overall user experience. Thus, it can be done monthly.
