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[PART 5] AI ChatGPT Series: On-page audits

April 12, 2023

In our AI ChatGPT series, we successfully designed and created sportsbookbacklinks.com using ChatGPT. It also provided the sitemap, content plan, and weekly blogs. sportsbookbacklinks.com already has all the makings of a fully-functional website that can rank in Google. 

This is why in the next part of our ChatGPT, we’ll conduct an on-page audit on sportsbookbacklinks.com to see how well the site has performed so far. Website audits are essential to ensure a platform’s functionality and overall performance. It provides useful data on platform weaknesses so we can address them early on. 

Find out how we used ChatGPT to audit our AI-made site sportsbookbacklinks.com and the experiment results below.

What is a website audit?

Conducting a website audit is crucial since it provides significant information and data points for proper site management. Through it, you’ll know whether your website functions as you intended and also discover areas of improvement.

Auditing sportsbookbacklinks.com with ChatGPT

To ensure sportsbookbacklinks.com meets all the criteria of a high-performing site, we conducted an on-page site audit. This is an integral part of our AI project since it tells us whether using ChatGPT in creating a site gave us desirable results. Discover more about our auditing process below:

  1. Asking ChatGPT for an audit guideline

A Manual QA typically does site audits with the help of the best QA web automation tools. Here at QWERTYLABS, we rely on our Webmasters, who have in-depth knowledge and experience conducting audits. However, for this project, we wanted to see if ChatGPT could take this step out of our hands. To find out, we sent a prompt to the chatbot. Here’s the response we got:

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As shown in the photos above, ChatGPT indicated it couldn’t conduct the site audit itself. Instead, it gave us a general guideline on how to perform a domain audit using various tools and manual inspection methods. 

On the other hand, ChatGPT Plus offers various plug-ins, such as the Browsing plug-in, that can help ChatGPT evaluate websites. This plug-in connects ChatGPT to the internet so that it can provide real-time feedback on the site’s performance online. However, we’re still currently on the waitlist for ChatGPT Plus to gain access to the plug-in.

Since this is the case, we conducted a manual site audit with the auditing tools ChatGPT provided. Fortunately, these high-end tools are what we already use here at QWERTYLABS, which are:

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Pagespeed Insights
  • Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz
  • Srp
  • Surferseo
  • GTmetrix.

With the help of additional tools such as:

  • Copyscape
  • Siteliner
  • Screaming Frog.
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Auditing of domain

  1. Site architecture

We started with the domain audit by checking the site architecture. This is done by manually navigating the site pages to check the functionality. This includes browsing the main navigation menu, sidebars, footer, and other navigational elements. Upon checking, we confirmed that sportsbookbacklinks.com has everything in order. This means visitors can easily navigate the pages and won’t face issues while doing so.

  1. Content structure

To check the content structure of sportsbookbacklinks.com, we used the app Surferseo. This platform is used to check content structure, interlinking, SEO header requirements, and the overall content score of the site. Here’s the result:

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Sportsbookbacklinks.com received a Content score of 26 when compared to the suggested competitors. Suffice it to say, this is a failing score, which is why we need to improve the score to 42 to pass.

For us to succeed in this, we decided to improve the content on the site by increasing the length. Additionally, we paid attention to the content creation process for sportsbookbacklinks.com. Instead of posting the content ChatGPT provided as it is, we changed our approach by checking the quality and editing them as needed.

  1. Crawlability and indexing

The next part of our audit focused on crawl ability and indexability. For this, we used Google Search Console, which provides information about crawl errors and indexing issues. Unfortunately, sportsbookbacklinks.com failed in this aspect, with only 50% of the site indexed.

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We deduced that this might be the result of the purely ChatGPT AI-generated content we uploaded as weekly blogs. Google’s spam policy on AI content might be why most of our pages were not indexed by Google. Hopefully, with our new content process in place, we’ll see better results in our next site audit. 

  1. Site speed

With the site speed audit, we needed to score a 90 to pass using Google PageSpeed Insights. At present, we have a score of:

 82 for mobile 

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79 on desktop

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Using GTmetrix, we had similar results, scoring a C for the site speed.

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To improve site speed, we only needed to further optimise the images on our site for the next auditing. 

  1. Mobile-friendliness

Next, we checked the site’s mobile-friendliness. In this process, we used Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool. Fortunately, we passed, which means the site is easily accessible to mobile users.

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  1. Security

The two critical things to check for the site's security are the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) and whether it has an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. Sportsbookbacklinks.com also passed this test.

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  1. XML Sitemap

Sportsbookbacklinks.com also passed the test for XML Sitemap since it has a readable sitemap, and it’s been submitted to Google Search Console.

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  1. Domain authority

Using Moz’s Link Explorer, we conducted the domain authority test and scored 1. This is a failing score, so we must build the site’s authority with more quality backlinks.

Content audit of sportsbookbacklinks.com

  1. Duplicate content

To maintain a reputable website, ensure you’re not posting duplicate content. This test is vital since one aspect of our AI project is determining whether ChatGPT is a viable option for content creation.

Using Copyscape for the test, results showed that one of the contents ChatGPT made for Sportsbookbacklinks.com is already up on the internet. 

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However, when we used Siteliner, it showed that 33% of the 33 content posted on the site was a duplicate.

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Here’s what we observed when we edited the blogs ChatGPT produced: Although the information in the blogs was unique and specific to each section or header, the sentence and paragraph structures were precisely the same. Moreover, certain phrases were repeated within the content. All of these added up to blogs that sounded repetitive and seemed to follow a robotic formula.

  1. Broken links

Next, we used Ahrefs to check for any broken links in the site. This we passed since all the links on the site are working.

  1. Backlinks

Backlinks are an important criterion when it comes to building site authority. Unfortunately, sportsbookbacklinks.com currently only has one backlink. This is the information we got from the Ahrefs backlink checker:

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The results were the same when we conducted the same test using Moz’s Link Explorer:

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One of the next steps we’ll look at for sportsbookbacklinks.com is adding more high-quality backlinks to build the site’s authority.

The subpage audit for sportsbookbacklinks.com

  1. Meta-title

Meta-titles are a vital part of Search Engine Optimisation. The main requirement is a title with 40 to 60 characters or fewer than 580px. However, when we conducted the test using Serp, we found that the meta-titles on sportsbookbacklinks.com did not pass.

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  1. Meta-description

Similarly, sportsbookbacklinks.com failed when we checked if it met meta-description requirements. This means it exceeded the required maximum of 160 characters or less than 990px.

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  1. Subpage indexing

To pass the subpage indexing, we needed to ensure that all 10 SEO pages on the site were indexed. Fortunately, using the Google Search Console for this test, we found that all the pages were indexed.

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  1. Interlinking

For the last step in the site audit, we checked whether sportsbookbacklinks.com had ample interlinking or not. To address this, we’ll need to interlink various pages on the site, which we will do by using anchor texts provided by ChatGPT.


Audit summary for sportsbookbacklinks.com

We’ve outlined the process of the audit. Now it’s time to review the auditing process and what we learned from it.

  1. ChatGPT’s limitations for site audit

The purpose of this AI ChatGPT project is to see whether AI tools are capable of maintaining a website with minimal human oversight. While ChatGPT and other AI tools have been useful in streamlining various site maintenance processes, auditing a site is not one of them. However, there is a ChatGPT extension that may help with site audits. Unfortunately, we don’t have access to it at the time of writing, so we’re unable to check its usefulness and reliability.

  1. The total time it took to conduct a site audit

The total time it took for us to complete the manual audit was four hours and a half. It took a large chunk of time to conduct the audit since we needed to be thorough and ensure we were not overlooking any aspect of the process.

  1. The importance of a Manual QA

The purpose of auditing a site is to ensure that visitors will have an easy time navigating it and that they will gain value from the provided content. We needed human skill and experience to determine whether sportsbookbacklinks.com succeeded in these aspects accurately. The reason for this is that AI tools cannot accurately analyse the human experience.

What comes next with QWERTYLABS AI ChatGPT project?

A month has passed since QWERTYLABS began the AI ChatGPT project. Throughout our experiment, we’ve gained insights into how AI tools can be used to streamline the process of maintaining a website. 

However, we also discovered many limitations that hinder its ability to create and manage a website without human interference. With the site audit we conducted, it’s clear that despite the usefulness of AI, it’s still essential to have the skill and experience of humans to maintain a site properly. 

With all these lessons, we aim to make the necessary improvements to address the failed tests we conducted. Once we’ve done that, we hope to get better test results to have good traffic, SERP visibility, and overall site performance. Stay updated as our AI ChatGPT project ends in the following weeks here at QWERTYLABS.

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