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Casino social media: The complete online marketing guide

June 13, 2023

Online gambling is getting regulated worldwide, giving the industry a much-needed push to the limelight of mainstream entertainment. The best way to reach out to this growing market is to meet them where they gather, and that platform is social media. 

Creating social media posts and news updates is the best online marketing strategy to reach your target market. You can do this on various websites with consistent traffic of daily active users. This guide from QWERTYLABS will immerse you in social media marketing for casinos and how it benefits your brand.

Social media marketing 

There are two key elements to using social media platforms for effective casino marketing strategies:

  • Positioning - Casino social media marketing involves framing your brand in a way that is easy for the public to find. Proper use of labels and flairs allows your posts to appear more frequently on audiences who engage in similar niches. 
  • Feedback - Audience engagement is a two-way channel. You give them posts related to your casino, like special offerings or new games to play, and they respond. Posting on social media makes this interaction easy thanks to replay and reaction features. Players can now post their reviews in the comments or mention your brand on their socials. 

The tandem between social media and the casino industry is a mutually beneficial arrangement. For the former, it can further introduce new niches for its users to explore. On the other hand, online casino brands get a new way to find their target market easily. Planning social media posts is still challenging, but you can get help from QWERTYLABS to make it easier for you! 

Online casino marketing 

The concept of online casino marketing involves finding the best way to reach out to target audiences. It involves developing strong branding strategies while staying within budget, which can be difficult in an industry as competitive as online gambling. Social media platforms make monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) more manageable.

Social media and the casino industry 

The casino industry’s most important benefit from social media is the capability to find its target audience. Advanced search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies work on these community-driven platforms because of the algorithm they use to sort content. It’s on a smaller scale than the Internet, making targeting specific niches easier than on the world wide web. 

A two-way communication channel is also important for business-to-customer (B2C) relationships. Typically, this is a difficult arrangement to set up for the business because of technological limitations, especially for an online casino with an international customer base. Part of the problem includes requiring a strong server to handle hundreds to thousands of inquiries.

Social media made B2C more cost-effective because it serves as a third-party platform for two-way communication. There are also many ways to handle this with the most direct one being through the website’s chat system. The customer and the page admin can also talk in public on a post’s comment section, making the inquiry and question accessible to everyone. 

Casino social media marketing platforms 

Casino social media platforms started to build communities for their respective niches. Casinos can easily target gamblers and sports bettors, even on websites with numerous similar content using advertising strategies and the like. Company updates, gambling blog posts, and promotional web content can be posted on these platforms. 

Here are the most popular social media platforms for your casino brand:


Facebook is an all-around platform for all kinds of content. It supports image ads, video ads, and brand pages where you can curate posts in a catalogue. You can also create community groups, further assisting engagement with your customers. 


Instagram has a fast ecosystem, urging content creators to post regularly and quickly to be favoured by the algorithm. The same applies to casino ads, so brands are encouraged to use a catalogue of image ads and video ads to appear on people’s newsfeeds. It doesn’t have the same capabilities to form a community group as Facebook.


Twitter is the least ideal platform for advertising compared to others, but you can sponsor trending users, turning their followers into a community group of target audiences. Video ads are largely overlooked, but image ads in a tweet can gain high interaction from users. Forming a catalogue using the website’s thread and list features is also possible. 


YouTube is a streaming service that has become an optimal platform for video content marketing. Sponsorships are the main source of income for creators, and you can either pay them for spot ads through YouTube or directly partner with them. 

The latter is a great strategy for creating how-to videos or long-form entertainment featuring your casino and its games. You can also have a gamer showcase your casino in live streams. 


TikTok strongly depends on user-generated content, while other platforms are more favourable for big brands. Therefore, it's a cheaper social media site for posting advertisements.

One strategy you can use is the branded hashtag challenge, where you sponsor many content creators to make creative video content featuring your casino. Doing so can create a strong bandwagon that their fans or other creators can join without you having to pay for them directly. Likewise, in-feed ads work great for casino businesses in TikTok because viewers of short videos are more tolerant of advertisements. 


LinkedIn is a social media platform whose primary goal is to help professionals build networks and expand their business profiles. Thus, posts on this platform are for business opportunities, social selling, and business-to-business (B2B) updates. Advertising in this platform should be more geared towards innovation and opportunities rather than fun. 


Pinterest is dedicated to collecting images from across the internet with links leading to the original post where it was from. Images on content are useful, and they can work for blogs with eye-catching banners or visual advertising of casino-related promotions.


Best social media strategies for your casino 

Social media marketing aims to increase discoverability and generate feedback from the target audience. To do this, one should conduct market research to gain insights into customers’ interests and the latest trends. 

There are several strategies that can help a casino stand out from the competition while establishing positive social proof in the industry. Here are some of those and their capabilities to make feedback loops that generate interactions for your brand:

Casino announcements and events 

New games and events are always welcome for all players, especially if they are uncommon in your casino. You can start dropping teasers of upcoming tournaments or game release dates months ahead to generate hype from your existing customer base. This is also a great way to generate a feedback loop leading up to the event itself so you can have high interaction. 

Collaborating with gaming influencers 

Video game streamers are currently the hottest trending influencers in the gaming community. Most are tied to specific genres by choice, while others are open to exploring new experiences. Find people who are known for playing casino games because their viewers are also likely gamblers, too. 

Launch social media promotions 

Most social media platforms’ fast-paced environments make them great for announcements of limited-time offers. This is because there is a good chance that they won’t be outdated by the time the posts reach the target audiences’ newsfeeds. All bonuses, rewards, and promos can be detailed in a brief description, as well, for quick reading. 

If you are running events, like contests, with a minimum number of participants expected, then consider multi-platform social media posting. This allows the post to reach out to more people than just one website could while also giving customers references to double-check details. 

Create shareable content 

What makes content ‘shareable’ isn’t just the availability of a share button but its appeal as well. It should be something that the customers would be excited to share with their friends or colleagues across all social media platforms. Opening your content for others to post to multiple social media websites is the most cost-effective way to promote your brand.

Some examples include a social message they can agree with or useful content like how-to blogs and videos. The type of shareable content you make affects your branding because many people will discover you through them. First impressions last, so make sure that it is an image that would make your casino welcoming and impressive in the eyes of the public. 

Post useful tutorials and guides 

The type of audience you can attract using teaching content depends on the topic. Newcomers can appreciate guides on playing certain games and the strategies they can try to help them win. 

Advanced players appreciate tutorials for using your casino’s features like promotions or payment methods. Both kinds of players appreciate tips in general, so you can share a few every once in a while. 

Interact with players on social media platforms 

B2C relations are a major factor in positive branding, so you have to interact with them regularly. Customer support is the most important channel for this but interactions of this kind are usually private. Some public means of two-way communication can be established on social media. Here are a few examples:

  • Popularity contests (polls) - You can conduct a fun survey to see the general opinion on your casino and its contents. You can bring up topics like ‘Which type of casino game do you want to see more often?’ or ‘Which type of promotion did you like best?’. 
  • Suggestions - Customer feedback can come as suggestions, but it would be too tedious to collect them from review sites. Social media makes it easier for them to voice out in public and have others agree or argue about it. Your casino can benefit from these free pieces of information. 

Share the news of big wins 

Thousands of gamblers play in your casino every day, and there are bound to be numerous individuals who win big prizes. These are story opportunities for promoting your online casino by sharing their stories with the public. Their victory stories can be an inspiration for other gamblers to try their luck at your platform and become the next lucky winner.


Types of social media posts  

Social media platforms can support all kinds of content that are either informative, persuasive, or expressive. The type you’re using depends on your objective, which is to promote online casino gaming under your brand. 

How you do this can be guided by your chosen casino social media strategy. The following are great types of content creation for the purpose of engagement marketing on social media:

1. Promotional content 

This type of content is persuasive in nature with the goal of encouraging players to play at your casino. You can do this by offering bonuses like giveaways, discounts or engaging challenges with rewards. Likewise, you can invite people to join contests your casino is hosting. This clarifies casinos as both entertainment platforms as well as service providers. 

2. Informational content 

This type of content is informative, hence the name, where the goal is to explain a topic. The ones you publish should be related to your casino, like how to play its games and execute gambling strategies. You can also have news regarding various topics like government policies that can affect your services or new partnerships with celebrities. 

Informational content needs to be clear and reliable for all readers. Thus, you can use supporting data like an infographic or quotes from interviews related to your topic. 

3. Reputation content 

Reputation won’t often precede you, so bringing up your brand’s success stories first-hand is sometimes necessary. Make content about real cases that puts your casino in good faith with your loyal customers. These can be quoted from reviews from a credible forum/website that members of the gambling community trust. It also helps if you can find sources that place you high on casino rankings compared to your brand rivals. 

4. User-generated content from customers 

The greatest honour for a service provider is to be mentioned in good faith by users in their own content. This can happen in reviews, blog posts, and videos featuring your casino as the main focus of their content or mention it in passing. Either way, you can also share this content with their permission to boost it on social media for other customers to see. 

5. Sponsored content 

This type of content is made by influencers you’ve partnered with to promote your casino. Sometimes, you can sponsor a full video dedicated to your casino and its features, but paying for a shout-out in their regular post is more cost-effective. You can form this kind of collaboration with streamers, bloggers, and entertainers alike. 

Having influencers as long-term partners is a great way to consistently promote your casino, but it can be costly. That’s why many casinos settle with just one sponsored video and then move on to another influencer with a similar customer base. 

Pros & cons of social media for online casinos 

Using social media has many upsides, making it a worthy platform to meet new customers. However, it can pose a challenge if you don’t tackle them head-on. Here’s a quick rundown of both pros and cons:

Pros of social media for online casinosCons of social media for online casinos
Boost in brand awarenessMany competitors use the same platforms
Strong public relationsRequires manpower to provide 24/7 customer service via chat and post interactions
Reliable customer serviceBrand recognition takes time in social media
Easy to find a community of people with strong brand loyaltyAdvertising guidelines for gambling content changes quickly on social media platforms
Offers various cost-effective avenues for company building

Tips when posting on social media for your casino

Posting content on social media is easy, thanks to the freedom such platforms provide their users. However, there is generally a high expectation in content quality from company-operated pages. That’s the same for casino brands, and these tips can help you meet or surpass those expectations:

  1. Use hashtags 

A hashtag is a feature used in various social media platforms where you add a number sign (#) before a word or a sentence with no space. This makes it easy for the platform to collect all posts related to the same topic. 

Make a hashtag of your brand name: Creating a hashtag for your casino so that your target players can easily find your brand by searching the tag. They’ll see all the promotions and announcements for your casino offers. 

Place multiple hashtags in the same post: Adding multiple hashtags in one post makes it easier to find, especially if they’re relevant. You can do this with promotions, news, and blog posts. 

Use existing generic hashtags: This helps your content appear in more communities. Examples include #slots and #tablegames so your brand can come up in users’ search for those kinds of games or similar posts. It’s the perfect way to compete with other brands and allow more than your niche to find your brand.

  1. Create content to make your casino appealing

Gamblers can appreciate blogs or videos written to explain various gambling concepts, but it’s not limited to these topics. Since you can use this as an opportunity to mention your casino, you can promote numerous brand features, promotions, games, and more. Likewise, you can also make content purely to invite players to check out your casino. 

  1. Entertain direct messages from customers

Establishing a social media page means offering a channel for your customers to engage with you directly. In many cases, they will address their inquiries this way, expecting your brand to reply as soon as possible. How you deal with these instances will affect how customers view your casino, so make sure you respond. 

There are many ways that you can deal with this. The most cost-effective and convenient way for your admin and the customer is to install a bot-operated chat system. Of course, there is only so much that this technology can offer, so having an agent handle queries is also a good move. 

  1. Post about exclusive deals that your casino offers

Gamblers try online casinos that catch their attention, and the best way to do this is to offer deals they won’t find anywhere else. It can be a better match deposit deal, an easier rollback requirement, or more exciting giveaways. 

  1. Follow the social media community guidelines

The most important factor you need to remember about social media is that they change their policies often. There are times when there are several major updates in the same year, which is largely affected by the growth of its user population. The guidelines typically affect advertising, so content creators need to strictly follow these changes so the post won’t be removed. 

Promote your online casino through social media 

Social media platforms give you all the tools you need to reach your  audiences.  However, you still need to implement a brand marketing strategy since it won’t gain engagements or impressions just because you post social content. However, don’t just focus on finding ways to boost gambling posts since if the overall social media account isn’t handled correctly, then boosting a post would only hurt your brand. Here’s what you need to know to create a social media account for your casino:

Social media profile 

Creating a social media profile is just the first step. There needs to be a department to handle this account with varying team roles based on what you expect it to accomplish. Someone will be in charge of posting content with the right timing for your audience, while somebody else handles interactions with the community. 

Establish employee guidelines on everyone’s responsibilities so the team’s performance remains consistent. This is also helpful in keeping everyone’s compliance with the social media platform’s security protocol. A hacker that manages to steal your casino social media page can vandalise it and ruin customers’ perception of your brand. 

Brand tone and voice 

Finding the right tone and voice depends on your target audience and how you want your brand to be viewed. Using inclusive language is a default consideration when addressing a wide group of people. Jargons and acronyms can help add authenticity to your brand, especially among gambling veterans, but you still need to consider new players. 

Emojis are typically discouraged because they are unprofessional, while the younger audience sees it as a cringe-worthy attempt to appeal to them. Thus, it should be used sparingly unless that image fits your brand’s trademark. Emojis can be used in calls to action (CTAs) to emphasise themes of where the link is going.

The length of content published on your casino social media is another element that establishes your brand tone and voice. Long-form content tends to be viewed as professional or formal, which helps set the seriousness of the content. Likewise, fun posts like casino promotions should be kept short. Trim the boring parts and emphasise the important details. 

Post formatting consistency 

It helps the casino social media team if you have guidelines on how to structure the content for publication. Everyone should have the same ideas on details like the use of grammar, abbreviations, punctuation, and headlines. 

A different team publishing for another language should have something similar. Likewise, links to other content should lead to another web page in the same language. 

These contents should also be wary of time and dates. If an international team makes the posts, they should use their target audience's timezone. Wrong numbering could confuse important details, like when a promo is available in the casino. 

Hashtag usage 

The use of hashtags is versatile, allowing social media users to narrow their search to specific pieces of content. Thus, your casino needs to include the necessary hashtags posts for promotional campaigns. Also, take note of hashtag cases (capitalisation or stylisation) if it’s a branded tag for personalisation. Doing this lets your content stand out from the competition.

Design guidelines 

Visual structure also needs to be consistent for various web pages. It’s easy to keep this in uniform by deciding on a standard colour and logo associated with your casino brand. Images can come from stock images but apply the same filters or effects on them if they are to be used in different blogs within the same website. 

Hiring a professional for casino social media management

How you operate your casino social media marketing has a big impact on the success of your business. That’s why you need professionals with experience in this industry. Such a high quality of service is difficult to train, so the best course of action is to hire a third-party to provide these services. Among your best options is QWERTYLABS, the best partner for casino and sports content creation. 

Contact QWERTYLABS now and work with us

The importance of casino social media marketing cannot be overstated. Implementation of advanced concepts for content creation like SEO strategies and use of call-to-action takes skill. QWERTYLABS is the best platform to ensure your brand has a great social media presence. Contact us now!


FAQs on social media use for casino marketing

There are many ways to promote your casino brand, but the social media platform is one of the most effective. Here are common questions and answers you need to know:

What social media platforms are best for casino marketing

Every social media platform is great for casino marketing. However, these examples stand out because of their large user base and advertising-friendly policies:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn 
  • Pinterest

How do I promote my casino on social media?

There are many ways to promote your casino on social media. The most direct way is to establish a page to represent your account and then post content there regularly like, promotions, news, and blogs. Another way to do this is to sponsor an influencer to make content featuring your casino so you can appeal to their large fan base.

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